Now that gathering blocks through mining has become very important I think it is time we had a "meta-item" tricorder that can be purchased at shops. The tricorder can scan a whole planet, planet face, or asteroid and tell us its composition.
Scanning asteroid 951
cinnabar 70%
red rock 20%
Parstun 5%
Ferkiteen 5%
This scan can be performed from a distance 2-3 km.
This would greatly improve our mining ability. We wouldn't need to sit around for 10 minutes waiting for a planet to load if it doesn't even have any minerals we need.
Later when creatures are included it will scan for life forms.
Scanning asteroid 951
cinnabar 70%
red rock 20%
Parstun 5%
Ferkiteen 5%
This scan can be performed from a distance 2-3 km.
This would greatly improve our mining ability. We wouldn't need to sit around for 10 minutes waiting for a planet to load if it doesn't even have any minerals we need.
Later when creatures are included it will scan for life forms.