A block is a tetra seen from 2 opposing corners - it would be easier to get a good facing.
Tips for pyramids (corners are not symetrical)
Wedges which are diagonal on top.
Wedges which are diagonal on bottom and top (an area between the corners of a 90° twisted plane).
Centered Wedges which look like \"\" from top and a triangle from all 4 sides, just from side 1+3 upwards, 2+4 downwards.
For Deko blocks where the inside, not outside is painted and which let you go through (or is this already possible with sprites?) for smaller holes between your generators and other vital parts (Jefferies Tubes with 4 painted sides with just 1 block).
Either only where they connect to another block or different types.
But I dunno which of these are really important to have right now.
After adding so much more blocks, I don\'t want to have to set prices on my shop :D
To un-clutter the inventar, It would be good if color wouldn\'t matter (e.g: you define color/textures separatly from armor/hp and just point the block config to a list of valid colors, like damage overlays which don\'t require a per-block-config).
You you buy black spray cans to convert either \"grey->black hull\" or \"hardened grey->black hull\", automatically use color while placing colored blocks and get color back if you remove colored blocks.
Would be a bit of work, but could clean up shop/inventar /block-config and texture-files.