TheClown's new HD Starmade Wallpapers.

    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Recently made these wallpaper, due to the psu on my computer blowing up a couple of days ago I've only been able to use this laptop, due to it's ancient graphics card I can't play Starmade however I can still put my Photoshop skills to use in the spare time I have so here they are: Version 1 Version 2

    use the links for the higher quality images, they are at a 1980 by 1080 dimensions and therefore should be good for use on any screen that uses a native resolution. The following images are only 487 pixels in width and 267 pixels in width so they will not fit on your screen to full resolution!

    I will be making another version of this wallpaper containing ships, I'll search through the forums to find some however it'll take time for me to get permission for the images so feel free to leave a comment directing me to your image, preferably the image orientation and angle should be something like this:

    many thanks, The Clown.