I'll be gathering my builds that are relevant to the Ultima Fleet here and hopefully adding a bit more context to some of them. There's a link to the content page below each ship so you can download each ship and check it out!
First, some background for the faction.
Almost a hundred years ago, the Ultima were a rather advanced race that inhabited several different planets. They were extremely militaristic, forging alliances through force, something made easier due to their slightly longer lifespan. However, they soon angered a different race, one with a much longer life span than theirs. Though they were victorious and forced a peace with them, they soon forgot the misdeeds they had committed. For the Ultima, it was generations ago; for the others, it was almost yesterday. This other race soon constructed a biological weapon attuned to the Ultima, and nearly wiped them out. Less than a million of them survived, and they fled their worlds. Due to their small number and relatively little power, they needed a strong force to protect them in their new surroundings. A number of them volunteered themselves, and their souls were encased in robotic bodies. Needing no rest, or fuel, and being constantly in contact with each other, they boasted more strength and awareness than most other races. These volunteers became the true Ultima, protecting their old race as it struggled to find foothold in universe. Over a hundred years later, as alliances have been forged, their old race now calls themselves the Salus, and under the protection of the Ultima still around today, work to rebuild their civilization, and hopefully this time, they can succeed in harmony with others.
I'll add more ships as soon as I get them built and uploaded to the dock!
First, some background for the faction.

Almost a hundred years ago, the Ultima were a rather advanced race that inhabited several different planets. They were extremely militaristic, forging alliances through force, something made easier due to their slightly longer lifespan. However, they soon angered a different race, one with a much longer life span than theirs. Though they were victorious and forced a peace with them, they soon forgot the misdeeds they had committed. For the Ultima, it was generations ago; for the others, it was almost yesterday. This other race soon constructed a biological weapon attuned to the Ultima, and nearly wiped them out. Less than a million of them survived, and they fled their worlds. Due to their small number and relatively little power, they needed a strong force to protect them in their new surroundings. A number of them volunteered themselves, and their souls were encased in robotic bodies. Needing no rest, or fuel, and being constantly in contact with each other, they boasted more strength and awareness than most other races. These volunteers became the true Ultima, protecting their old race as it struggled to find foothold in universe. Over a hundred years later, as alliances have been forged, their old race now calls themselves the Salus, and under the protection of the Ultima still around today, work to rebuild their civilization, and hopefully this time, they can succeed in harmony with others.
To follow the backstory, I try to fit in small details that are relevant. For example, a ship may house one or more cradles that allow the Ultima (the robotic warriors of the past) to repair themselves and interface with the ship. Some ships may be outfitted to be crewed by normal flesh and blood people, or may be extremely streamlined to be personally piloted by an Ultima. Due to the limited number of resources of the Ultima, all ships are built to be as tough as possible so they can stay in the fight longer.FIGHTERS, BOMBERS, and SHUTTLES
Fighters, bombers, and shuttles provide the Ultima Fleet with a host of more nimble and pinpoint methods of attack. Scouting, short range transport, and land attacks are also roles filled by these small vehicles.
A mid-range scout fighter, it is typically attached to carriers and scout frigates. It is able to jump into a system, scan the enemy, then either jump or fly out with full overdrive.
Scout02 (Name Suggestions are Welcome!)

A mid-range scout fighter, it is typically attached to carriers and scout frigates. It is able to jump into a system, scan the enemy, then either jump or fly out with full overdrive.
Scout02 (Name Suggestions are Welcome!)
A light fighter, it was easy to produce in large numbers, and saw widespread use throughout the Ultima fleet.

A light fighter, it was easy to produce in large numbers, and saw widespread use throughout the Ultima fleet.
Frigates are the most numerous vessels in the Ultima fleet, filling a variety of roles. Frigates are also some of the most inexpensive ships to produce, and will typically be seen accompanying larger ships such as cruisers and carriers. A large number of frigates are also capable of landing on planets, transferring supplies and personnel to the surface. A captain will usually start off in charge of a frigate at the beginning of their career.
Orthos-class frigates were some of the first ships used by the Ultima fleet. Starting off as exploration vessels, large numbers of them were converted into warships to aid in the Salus's exodus from their besieged homes. Decades later, the Orthos is still widely used, offering an inexpensive option to bolster fleet capabilities.
Orthos-class Frigate

Orthos-class frigates were some of the first ships used by the Ultima fleet. Starting off as exploration vessels, large numbers of them were converted into warships to aid in the Salus's exodus from their besieged homes. Decades later, the Orthos is still widely used, offering an inexpensive option to bolster fleet capabilities.
Orthos-class Frigate
During their various planetary conflicts, the Ultima realized they needed a way of inserting a large number of infantry in a relatively small amount of time, faster than shuttles or landing ships could accomplish. This led to the develop the Icarus-class frigate. This ship could drop 50 marines from orbit in drop pods, delivering a sizable force to the surface. Some of the Ultima's most notable battles began with the rain of thousands of marines. Lacking offensive armaments, the Icarus relies on it's armor, AMS turrets, and escort fleet to safely drop its payload. After they are dropped, the Icarus is equipped with a dedicated deck to provide informational support to ground troops.
ULTIMA Thor - Icarus-class Frigate

During their various planetary conflicts, the Ultima realized they needed a way of inserting a large number of infantry in a relatively small amount of time, faster than shuttles or landing ships could accomplish. This led to the develop the Icarus-class frigate. This ship could drop 50 marines from orbit in drop pods, delivering a sizable force to the surface. Some of the Ultima's most notable battles began with the rain of thousands of marines. Lacking offensive armaments, the Icarus relies on it's armor, AMS turrets, and escort fleet to safely drop its payload. After they are dropped, the Icarus is equipped with a dedicated deck to provide informational support to ground troops.
ULTIMA Thor - Icarus-class Frigate
The main work horse of the Ultima fleet, cruisers come in various sizes and are able to serve as the center of patrol fleets, or in the case of the larger ones, as the center of battle fleets. Cruisers are built to support themselves, and boast a variety of weapons that allow them to serve multiple roles.
The first cruiser in the Ultima fleet, the Griffon served as a test bed for new technology in the early days of the Ultima. It could serve several different roles, and was one of the main reasons the Salus were able to survive over the last hundred years. While aging, it still does an admirable job defending the space that it had once worked so hard to take.
Griffon-Class Light Cruiser

The first cruiser in the Ultima fleet, the Griffon served as a test bed for new technology in the early days of the Ultima. It could serve several different roles, and was one of the main reasons the Salus were able to survive over the last hundred years. While aging, it still does an admirable job defending the space that it had once worked so hard to take.
Griffon-Class Light Cruiser
Incorporating lessons learned from the Griffon, the Hippogryph-class Light Cruiser featured improved armor, a streamlined power reactor, and more efficient weapon systems. The addition of a Hippogryph-class light cruiser dramatically improved the survivability of early Ultima fleets.
Hippogryph-class Light Cruiser

Hippogryph-class Light Cruiser
I'll add more ships as soon as I get them built and uploaded to the dock!
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