The Troll

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    Dec 11, 2014
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    Saying what someone did isnt harrasment... if it paints them in a negative light well it is their fault they did said bad things.
    Really think so Zimmy?

    Guess my dictionary definition must be outdated.

    "To create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct "

    A bunch of twelve year old children that form some type of friendship on forum that verbally assault others and make it unwelcoming to others cause they DISAGREE with the actions of another person is fairly positive the definition of harassment.

    He dislike your garbage you created in a GAME ... did you need a tissue?
    They have every right to dislike what ever crap you built in a game.

    Unlike him, You invited comments on what ever you posted to the community section.
    He didn't invite you to harass and slander his name.

    If you can't handle negative comments for some content you built... don't invite others to comment on it.
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    Feb 22, 2015
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    How many of you did any investigating?
    I see that every single recorded rating is from the same 24 hour period, and he has no other public posts at all.
    Perhaps the account was hacked. Oh well, that's what the 'ignore' button is for. I never look at the rating anyway.
    Moving on.
    Dec 11, 2014
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    How many of you did any investigating?
    I see that every single recorded rating is from the same 24 hour period, and he has no other public posts at all.
    Perhaps the account was hacked. Oh well, that's what the 'ignore' button is for. I never look at the rating anyway.
    Moving on.
    Actually I just checked the community section to see his "reviews"

    Here is what I see
    Five rating
    "I'm giving this a 5 because of the clean finish and overall job well done", Viro

    One rating
    "cool as a shuttle but omw... I think I just am waaay to hard on aesthetics that's why I haven't uploaded my designs. It takes me 6 months to perfect something before I am willing to upload it.", Viro

    Everything he gives is constructive criticism.
    and I agree with him mostly

    All I see is some whining children upset that someone didn't like their finger painting.

    Actually Looking at all reviews... Viro Looks like only one HONEST everyone else always gives five stars.

    What is this the special Olympics?????
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    Part-Time Eldritch Abomination
    Mar 22, 2014
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    One rating
    "cool as a shuttle but omw... I think I just am waaay to hard on aesthetics that's why I haven't uploaded my designs. It takes me 6 months to perfect something before I am willing to upload it.", Viro

    Everything he gives is constructive criticism.
    and I agree with him mostly
    Sorry, but I don't see how this example technically qualifies as constructive criticism. (This was in response to one of my uploads, so I believe I have a right to say so)
    While we're on the topic of bringing up definitions to support our arguments, allow me to do so for 'constructive criticism':
    "A recommended set of instructions that aims to collaboratively improve the overall quality of a product or service. Often containing helpful and specific suggestions for positive change, constructive criticism is highly focused on a particular issue or set of issues, as opposed to providing general feedback on the item or organization as a whole."
    (This was taken from

    Here's another one from
    "Criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions."

    In the review, he makes no effort in actually describing what has issues/what could be improved. No specific examples, no offer of collaboration, not even a suggestion. Instead he only gives a vague comment regarding his taste for aesthetics, and pontificates on his own displeasure for his own abilities. I'm sorry but that, I'm afraid, is simply not constructive criticism.

    This is not meant to put you down, or your abilities to form logical arguments. In fact, I find the act of you defending him to be rather noble. However, I don't agree that everything he says qualifies as constructive criticism.

    And before you say it, no it doesn't bother me that this player decides to spend his time giving "reviews" on the 'crap' I make in this game. As long as my crap is recognized by just one person as worthwhile (even if that person is simply myself), I couldn't care less how many see it as garbage.

    i did,poor response
    [DOUBLEPOST=1441242416,1441242337][/DOUBLEPOST]i will admit,this is not very professional from us..but when reporting fails and mods dont enforce rules..or "blur" the red line of those rules.. you resort to making noise like in here.
    And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the true nature of democracy. People taking action when what has been done simply isn't enough. Well said.

    No. You don't flame the flamers. That's how flamewars happen.
    Well, his his name literally is jack flames.
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    Algorithm of hacks
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Mmm... For me ship reviews seem kind of a funny place where someone would want the community's approval of one's work for building a ship, station and the other stuff I never looked at before. Don't feel bad about their comments on your work, constructive criticism or not. You made that ship or station to share with the public, so others can enjoy what you made. So no matter how bad or how good they rate your ship or station it doesn't matter because you can't please everyone or make them think differently but still you already made lots of other players happy with your work.

    I have like over 1020 ships in my single player game in starmade but I'll never upload them, I don't need approval on how good or how bad the ship is. Its just fun to build.
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    Dec 11, 2014
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    Sorry, but I don't see how this example technically qualifies as constructive criticism. (This was in response to one of my uploads, so I believe I have a right to say so)
    This being one of your upload only makes you have bias view on it.

    I have looked through the reviews and I see crap that is ugly and took four secs to throw together... getting five stars.
    If you can't handle comments leave the internet.

    If you can't handle someone disliking something ... don't upload anything.

    I hate the color red.... I really do it makes me want to vomit when I see it.
    I didn't become a nurse or doctor to work with blood... and guess what if your ship is red... I won't like it either.

    That is my choice... it is your choice to disagree with it... yet that doesn't make my opinion wrong.


    Part-Time Eldritch Abomination
    Mar 22, 2014
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    This being one of your upload only makes you have bias view on it.

    I have looked through the reviews and I see crap that is ugly and took four secs to throw together... getting five stars.
    If you can't handle comments leave the internet.

    If you can't handle someone disliking something ... don't upload anything.

    I hate the color red.... I really do it makes me want to vomit when I see it.
    I didn't become a nurse or doctor to work with blood... and guess what if your ship is red... I won't like it either.

    That is my choice... it is your choice to disagree with it... yet that doesn't make my opinion wrong.
    You can make your own decisions and opinions too?! Wow! We must have so much in common. Want to be friends?
    Dec 11, 2014
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    Inb4 Rixxit is Viro *paranoia intensifies*

    In a more honest note I physically laughed reading everything Rixxit has posted so far. Thanks for the chuckle.
    I can already see the tin foil hats.


    Disliking a group of people harassing someone always makes you appear like you are that person getting harassed... It is impossible a third party with outside view would come along and tell it like it is.
    Jul 3, 2015
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    Guys/Gals, I didn't intend on this to become a war. Several people, some that have a lot of pull in the council and dev's have reported him multiple times. Goto his profile page and look at it. There are people there that are upset that he intentionally left negative feedback with out any suggestions. He's accused Luke of SMEditing all of his builds. We've all seen the you-tube speed builds. We all know how talented he is and for this Viro guy to call Luke a fraud is intentional trolling.

    Stike7g5 released his Fury from SWTOR recently, the ship is wonderful full of logic and rails and is very accurate inside and out. Viro left something along the lines of it looks like a brick and is boring looking. He needs to say why it looks like a brick, what could be done to improve it, and how to make it less boring. Instead he left this comment with 1 star and contributed no feedback at all. Hardly any of us here post a review after clicking the DL link just so we can say something looks tacky or bad. It isn't worth our time, but apparently it is worth his. He seem's to attack people that build really creatively. It's probably some sort of inferiority complex. "I can't build like him so I'm gonna make him feel bad." It's immature and it doesn't belong here.

    The Mods want to make this player friendly? Then why has he been reported multiple times, admins contacted, and the staff is trying to figure out what to do, as he continues, and he will when he finds another victim worthy of harassment. As I said he has been reported through several channels and nothing seems to have been done about it. The next best way to show the mods that they really need to act on this is for those that don't like his trolling to state it. To have builders that have gotten his unconstructive reviews to say so. Change doesn't happen by itself. If you want something done, then don't leave it for the next guy to do because he's going to do the exact same thing. That's why it takes a powerhouse to jump start change and motivate others to join in. Otherwise everyone is waiting for everyone else to do something and nothing gets done.

    If we want a community of fun and sharing, we need to ensure it stays free of people that threaten it. If someone cannot simply not comment on something they don't like, then they need to be disciplined. He goes out of his way to click the DL button then post a comment on something he doesn't like. Didn't tour the ship or station, didn't examine the systems, just looked at the screenshots and left a review saying he didn't like it. To go out of your way to do such a thing is harassment. The intentional act of going out of your way to cause someone grief or stress that is detrimental to them mentally or physically. The people he did leave "great" reviews for could be his alt accounts (which is against the TOS), or friends of his. We don't know and can't assume they are random people unless one of them says otherwise.

    Those of you who disagree with me starting this thread have the right to do so and should not be targeted. We are granted the freedom to say what we want, and pay the consequences if it's bad. Abusing this freedom of speech should not occur to anyone that plays this game. We're here to have fun. Those that disagree with me I respect your opinion and I ask that you respect mine. If you don't like what is being said here then please feel free to report or stop viewing this thread. Those of you who want to see something finally done about this are welcome to stay and chat. Since nothing has been done, this post can act as a sort of petition. If we are all very unhappy about someone or something then they ought to listen.

    I understand they are soft at dishing out discipline because they want a friendly environment. But Mods, Admins, please also realize that letting this person bash other people ruins the environment you want us to have, by protecting him and letting him rain free. Sometimes to have to throw someone overboard to keep the ship from sinking.
    Dec 11, 2014
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    Then why has he been reported multiple times, admins contacted, and the staff is trying to figure out what to do, as he continues, and he will when he finds another victim worthy of harassment. As I said he has been reported through several channels and nothing seems to have been done about it.
    Because Viro has done nothing wrong.
    Only you have broken the forum rules by harassing Viro

    I love how you bluntly say
    "My friend is friends with mod and he going to get him banned cause he is a meany head"
    Please Don't cry :(
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    Apr 10, 2013
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    This issue is being investigated.
    Locking the thread as this has no reason to exist apart from escalating the issue.
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