The trading/merchant/smuggler/pirate thread

    Apr 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Players should be able to buy a 'trade' block. In which they can can communicate with those nearby who have a trade block. (four sections- Two for each side's current offer and two for what items they're showing off) Each side should also be able to threaten the opposition into giving up their cargo/money.

    Stations should mostly try to sell to npcs what they have an abundance of. Most merchant ships should travel between stations.

    Traders should have different values on different items and some shouldn't buy certain types of items. (illegal ones for example) Some ships should also be able to use beacons to summon aid if you attack them, causing faction ships to show up after a short while. Each ship should act differently depending on if they think you're an honest merchant, a smuggler, a pirate, privateer or a naval/police ship.

    I think that certain factions should try to 'police' their area and ban the trade of certain products (Red drug, blue drug, rare metal 6, slaves of race x) Or they might suspect you of piracy/ become hostile to those who have ships that could be considered dangerous in their protected space.