Event canceled, community has left SMD and StarMade for the time being.
The Pangalactic Regatta: 2016 Quasar Run
- Inspired by the time honored traditions of yhole smuggling and pangalactic yachting, the I.G.R.C. (Intergalactic Racing Conglomerate) has begun organizing this friendly competition for rogue corporations, factions and individuals to show off their technological prowess by competing at traversing the vast expanse of the cosmos.
Restrictions & Standards:
- Approved Maximum Dimensions: 75x75x140, builder picks Height, Length and Width; as long as 2 dimensions are 75m or less and 1 is 140m or less the vessel will be accepted.
- Approved Mass Range: Between 1,000 - 1,600; vessels within this minimum and maximum range will be accepted.
- Exploiting and/or excessive/intentional ramming will be grounds for disqualification.
- NO WEAPONS & NO JUMP INHIBITORS; anti-missle defense turrets (unmanned, w/ 2 cannons & 2 cannon computers) and shields will be approved and the vessel accepted.
- NO DOOM CUBES or NOOB TUBES; ships must be attempts at ships, as yachts traditionally require a crew some form of interior and crew quarters is also required, the extent of crew accomadation in the hands of the builder.
- Any corporation, faction or individual may build and enter multiple ships, however, pilots and crew may only compete with single ship. This means that if you wish to submit multiple vessels and also have them compete in the racing portion of the event, you will need to arrange seperate pilots and crew for each vessel.
- The inaugural season's route, the 2016 Quasar Run, is expected to traverse multiple galaxies. The I.G.R.C. is discussing use of the wormhole network as well as warpgates. The route is expected to extend through hostile territory, pilots and crew should also expect various obstacles such as asteroid fields or multiple checkpoints in close proximity.
- Navigation charts will likely be made availible to competitors prior to the event.
- Sector size is planned for 15km.
- Speed limit is planned for 150m/s.
- AI accuracy is planned for the Blood & Steel standard of 500.
- The race is currently planned for July 2nd & 3rd; depending on the number of entries, multiple heats will likely be scheduled during this time frame in hopes of including all availible competitors. Twitch and YouTube coverage of the event is also planned.
- The "Schema Cup" will become a permanent fixture of the Pangalactic Regatta starting station and competition winners will have their SMD name permanently emblazoned on a display module on the cup.
- Beyond 1st, 2nd & 3rd, place the titles of 'Best in Show' (overall rating), 'Best Ship Composition' (interior/exterior design, judged by Dalmont), 'Best Engineering' (ship systems, judged by Drakkart), and 'Best Features (logic & rails, judged by ToasterBorst) will also be awarded and recorded on the cup following the event.
We hope to see you on race day and look forward to judging the submissions and broadcasting the event.
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