The Light/The Dark

    Oct 12, 2015
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    starmade-screenshot-0004.png The Light and The Dark are two public factions set up to encourage quickly accessible PvP activity on the Light vs Dark server ( ). The goal is to give new and experienced players alike a fast track to PvP activity, where one can join, grab a ship (or fleet) and get straight to the fighting.

    Both public factions are maintained by the admins but run by the players. Admins only manage the facilities and surrounding objects to ensure continued usability and prevent lag. Home bases are identical stations of modest production capability, with appropriate measures in place to prevent sabotage. The private factions Outer Darkness and Inner Light recruit the most dedicated and trustworthy from their respective public counterparts. Average time spent in the public factions is generally 1 week or less. The sooner an interview can be set up, the faster one can move from the public to the private variant. Qualified applicants may also apply to join the private variants directly pending an interview. Leaders are appointed and removed by LvD Admins as needed.

    To apply to Outer Dark or Inner Light Directly, contact NaStral (Inner Light) or DestroyerOfWorlds (Outer Darkness) for an interview over Discord after filling out the following application:

    Light or Dark?:
    Preferred Style of Play:
    Other factions and Serves you have played on:
    Favorite Drink:

    For more information on server stats and features, please go here.

    For Server Rules please go here.

    I, as well as the admins and community of LvD look forward to seeing you there.
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    Oct 12, 2015
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    No, they are proper factions. Interviews are conducted same as with other factions for the private variants (Outer Darkness, Inner Light). Since this is a place for interested persons to place an application it makes sense to have this here.
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    Sep 14, 2016
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    Light and Dark factions might not qualify for official factions, but Inner Light and Outer Darkness sure do.
    Not all that easy to get in. I recommend anyone new to LvD server to partake in membership in these groups, since they give you an interesting combat-focused experience, more so than neutral factions.

    Also, the link + title for the tread is a bit messed up, read 'the-light-thedark'. Should be a space before dark
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Not to mention that if you join one, there's always abundant resources that can be used responsibly, and plenty of targets to choose from.

    Definitely highly recommend both the server and the lightside. The darkside is just too unilluminated for me.

    Ba dum tsh. Bad puns, bad puns everywhere.
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    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Not to mention that if you join one, there's always abundant resources that can be used responsibly, and plenty of targets to choose from.

    Definitely highly recommend both the server and the lightside. The darkside is just too unilluminated for me.

    Ba dum tsh. Bad puns, bad puns everywhere.
    The light is weak. They don't know their ship cores from their yholes. lol.

    Join the dark and we triumph over the zealots and squash their yhole!
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Don't have any. We do however have some zealots. And more bad puns than even Darth Vader could take.

    Also, don't forget the cookies.
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    Oct 12, 2015
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    This is the Salamis Mk II corvette. A vessel you can get immediately upon joining The Light or Dark Public Factions (Lightside livery shown).

    The 5 New Bronze Bars you spawn with can be redeemed for this vessel at automated kiosks located within the homebases of Light and Dark public.

    Main features include 60% ion defensive effect, 5k/5k/5k C/c/Pun, 900/450/900 M/b/Pun X2, 900/450/900 M/b/Ion X2, stable jam while firing, and a logic drive.

    Original Design by Thrace Vega and Arkwulff. Mk II modifications by NaStral

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    Jan 6, 2017
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    I have been checking out the servers forums for the past few weeks and even posted something there to see if anyone was interested in joining a faction for asgardians if I were to make one but it seems that nothing has happened for like a month or 2, is this true? I haven't actually gone on server yet due to college but I would like to ask if the server died or does no one look at the forum?

    PS: Server sounds promising. Much better than starbits. My laptop went into meltdown mode just spawning lol! Got some good laughs from the Spocklin baby fits and "teamwork" though!
    Oct 12, 2015
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    No, we are still very much alive. A vast majority of the social activity occurs in the Discord channel, while the forums have taken a secondary role as a place to post things of greater permanence like rules etc. Next Monday in fact we will be instituting a server reset to better implement new features on a clean universe for best performance.
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    Jul 3, 2013
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    No, we are still very much alive. A vast majority of the social activity occurs in the Discord channel, while the forums have taken a secondary role as a place to post things of greater permanence like rules etc. Next Monday in fact we will be instituting a server reset to better implement new features on a clean universe for best performance.
    Will you make an announcement when the reset occurs and when it is completed via StarMade Dock?