The Hyper-Realm, non-instantaneous FTL travel method

    Aug 1, 2013
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    I like the idea of faster travel times without making ships insanely fast in \"normal space\".

    I like the idea of the limitations you put on it, in that they appear to limit travel distance (you have to drop from subspace to normal space to recharge shields in order to avoid getting eaten).

    [Possible adjustment there - have the shield drain over time, but add shield damage from the subslime/SSM\'s (subspace slime monsters) - thus if you are a smaller subspace traveling ship, you have to avoid the huge monsters because they will kill your shields in seconds and then eat your ship]

    I like that this would appear to encourage carrier-style capital ships, designed to haul smaller more combat-oriented ships through subspace.

    I DISlike the potential for an enemy force to instantly drop out of subspace directly within firing range of a base - but I mentioned a possible fix for this earlier - subspace lockout generators (think the gravity well generators from Star Wars). For that matter, large masses such as planets should naturally generate such things, and obviously the stars would.

    I like the possible gate idea, as well as it\'s massively expensive aspect. You\'re basically talking a wormhole here, or at least the Science Fiction version of wormholes I\'ve run across on occasion.


    An idea i had would be for large object/planets/stars to generate a \"shadow\" in subspace - basically this ties in with the \"gravity well generator\" idea from before - this would basically prevent subspace travel and SSM spawning in an area around planets and large stations, which effect could be enhanced on stations by placing the supspace jammer blocks (larger field with more blocks, or something).

    It would ALSO mean that you could \"see\" planets and large objects in subspace, by the \"shadow\" they cast into the hellish void...:D


    Edit: Another thing I like about this is that it seemingly would allow a small fighter/frigate size ship to make short hops into subspace (avoiding monsters as much as possible, or it dies).

    Since as I understand it, the smaller the subspace drive the faster it recharges...
    Aug 11, 2013
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    I thought about posting something like this to the forum but you beat me to it and I hope that that schema finds this and puts it on his list of things to add

    Though I think it should work in sectors if you travel to say 1,1,1 in the hyperspace realm you end up in sector 10,10,10 in the normal realm and jumping in will bring you to the nearest hyperspace sector

    Let\'s say you jump in to hyper space at 26,12,10 it who\'d then round each number to its nearest and put you there. I know what your saying now \"well what if I enter at 5,0,0\" well it will then put you smack dab in between hyperspace sector 0,0,0 and hyperspace sector 1,0,0 and it will work visa versa.

    ?This being added in should finally give me and many others the strategic about we need to quickly strike our opponents and GTFO before getting destroyed
    Aug 1, 2013
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    I think its a good idea, Hyperspace allowing for faster travel without messing with the game physics too much. I like the downsides to this, it does add a bit of strategy to this. I would say that it should be limited to large ships only that the power required to open the hyperspace window would be so large that it would be impossible for small ships to do this. Also I think power should drain at a steady rate in Hyperspace, this would mean that if you\'re attacking somebody you have to take into consideration how far you need to travel and how much power will you be left with once you leave hyperspace (in other words are you going to be able to slug it out with the other guy if you have zero power).

    I wouldn\'t say to have a massive cool down between hyperspace jumps as it would also depend on how much power you can generate, but I do like the shield requirements and the damage to your ship. Thats a nice touch :)
    Jun 21, 2013
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    worthy of the grace of the great one (Schema) is that of admins or core testers. :(

    Its a bit of a cliche as in most religeons its the same, only the man at the top is worthy of communication with the diety.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Good idea. I\'ve always thought of the Nether style of hyperspace to be the best suggestion on the topic of FTL so far; avoids the limitations posed by the engine. I also like the daemon idea, though I don\'t like the bitching about how it\'s a \'clear ripoff\' of 40K. It shares some similarities, sure, but so does the rest of the game to every other sci-fi franchise out there, and I bet if the term \'daemon\' hadn\'t been used then nobody would have jumped at the opportunity to slam an idea for a problem that shouldn\'t have even arisen.

    The core \'travel one sector in hyperspace and eight in realspace\' idea is solid, and I really hope that it is implemented. I feel as though the daemon idea could be replaced entirely with mere hull damage, but I like it anyway. Perhaps instead of having daemons come out into realspace, realspace rifts could be formed which effectively act like mini-suns in that they damage hull.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    So what, even if it\'s directly taken from one game or one show or one random person\'s intercepted brainwaves, it\'s still a neat idea that deserves some discussion on how it could work, how to make it different enough to not get sued etc.

    Personally I liked the idea of using X3\'s jump system, you can jump any distance as long as you\'ve been there before and have enough materials to power the jump engine. Plus an unfocussed drive could be added that is ridiculously expensive or hard to craft, but it will teleport you to a random sector you\'ve never been to before.

    Of course that could also be inspired by Battlestar Galactica, or Alliance-Union, or The Foundation Series, or Deathworld 2, or Dune, or CoDominium, or The Forever Man, or Johnny Mackintosh and the Spirit of London, or Doctor who, or any other of a huge number of science fiction series\' that use instantaneous travel through space.

    I liked the idea of jump drives until I was reminded of 40k\'s warp and or Babylon 5\'s warp and or Minecraft\'s nether and or... (I\'ll pause there). I like the idea of farmable mobs being alongside \"OMG WTF is that, run\" inspiring Lovecraftian nightmares so I\'d vote for the 40k version.

    Off topic a bit: This game could use a boss monster to fight, why not make it Cthulhu, in his base, in the warp.

    Also, just getting lost seems simply annoying and far less fun than having a neat fight and losing to some giant space beastie who eats your ship to make itself stronger. So a second vote if I may for the 40k version.

    I\'m sure at least some of you wanted me to un-pause so: ...Minecraft\'s nether or Asimov\'s books, or Colony Wars/Red Sun or Frontier, or Hitchiker\'s Guide, or Homeworld, or Freespace, or Space2 or 3, or X1, 2, 3,AP,TC, and presumably Rebirth, or Star Trek, or Star Wars, or Stargate, or Xenosaga, or Andromeda, or Halo, or Earth Final Conflict or Farscape.(Some of these are tenuous I know but they all have some sort of faster than light inter-dimensional non-instantaneous travel)

    Isn\'t it nifty seeing how similar all the sci fi we know and love is? Also the nostalgia is piling on, I may have to turn on some Farscape while I go salvage this planet.
    Sep 12, 2012
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    I think factions could create \"roads\" by assembling autturrets in lines, allowing unprotected ships to access hyperspace. With autoturrets perminate bases in hyperspace would be possible, although these hyperspace bases may even take an effort of several factions working together, to fly in turret ships to protect it while its being created.
    Sep 2, 2013
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    I think all the hate is unecessary, and while I don\'t like the demon idea, I think the idea would work, another idea to the downsides is that no shields, and the \'drive\' requires an initial powerup, then constant drain while in hyperspace... another idea is that the drive requires an input destination, opens a window, but anybody looking at the ship can see the destination? it wont be instantaneous, and also allows a gate system, such as in stargate, with a gate being capable of going to another gate, but not to anywhere else, and allows transfer of people or small ships, or large ones, dependant on size, like say the supergate? Just an idea, but i kind of like it...
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Will the Hyperspace thing have some kind of \"interference\" disabling the guns? Or will each player have his own \"domain\", a dimension just for him? If not, there WILL be battles.. And itll not be safe for newbs wanting to stay away from guys in supercaps.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Could you use this as a Weapon! That would be awesome. Just send a giant cube or rock into the Hyper-Realm then it will burst out of the realm after it gets too big and eat you enemy!
    Jun 19, 2013
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    we could create ships in the Hyper-Realm to fight people who tryed to abuse the system. like a Terran VS Zerg kind of thing. All with different weapons and stuff.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    I really like this idea, and I find the daemons completely necessary to keep it balanced. It\'s very easy to pack a ship with enough shields and power to last for aeons. Having very large creatures that can eat your shields and your ship with any sort of speed is necessary to keeping this method of travel dangerous, lest travel in normal space become obsolete. Not to mention, if travel in hyperspace was easy, it more or less defeats the whole purpose of having it in place of having normal FTL.

    I also can\'t help but think of the tactical advantages of Hyperspace for factions. It would potentially allow me to move entire bases, perhaps entire planets, several times faster than normal.
    Sep 1, 2013
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    As I noticed, this forum is gravitating to pretty much the Halo Slipspace. Qualities:

    -Takes enourmous energy to use/get in

    -Saps your energy

    -Cannot use weapons

    -Power must recharge upon entry of normal space

    -Difficult to navigate with pin-point precision

    I really liike where this is going.
    Jul 17, 2013
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    they feed off souls and emotions in the warp and might break though and cause a warp rift. linky link-
    Sep 1, 2013
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    Remove the mob part and I like it you fly around in ftl travel and over time you loose shields and then loose blocks thats good monster\'s bad some moron will just infest spawn with them
    Jun 23, 2013
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    For the folk who are against it because of the 40k Warp similarity that would make Starmade lose a bit of unique-ness, just replace Daemon with \"sentient hostile plant life\" and you\'ve got yourself both a creature and a naming scheme for the entire place. Yggdrasil. Let\'s Norse It Up A Bit.
    Aug 2, 2013
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    Moving N meters in hyperspace moves Y meters in regular space. Bril.

    And damage after a while, allowing only highly shielded (big) ships to ensure it. Also bril + need a hyperspace module. I would prefer needing one per 200 blocks, so it takes up chunky amounts of space depending on your ship.

    Also liek the bit about monsters/anomalies that drop no blocks but hit hard
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Really wouldn\'t like having a lot of monsters to fight that get bigger based on ships they eat in there as it would be extremely crowded on any larger server near spawn and the dæmons would just get ridiculous.
    Monsters should be rare, confined to certain areas, or have their spawns affectable by players permanently (like moving around their nest blocks so they form a wall around your base...) if put in at all.

    Deleted member 301635

    Perhaps the paths could also change locations randomly as well? And no blocks could be placed while inside the hyper-realm?

    Players could also pay huge amounts of money to get a device that could expend large amounts of energy to keep a small area static, but if the device runs out of power or is destroyed, then everything in the sphere of stability instantly and permantly disappears / randomly emerges in realspace a random amount of time later?

    Deleted member 301635

    Just thinking about risk vs. reward.

    Perhaps both the pathways and the \'sentient hostile plant life\' could be used, along with the instability thing I suggested earlier, BUT any basic block(hull, ore, ice, etc.) left in the hyper-realm gets changed by it, and effectively gets a free upgrade(hull becomes hardened hull, ore gains levels, basic ice becomes ice crystal, etc.), complex blocks(AMCs, cores, computers, most weapons and components ) don\'t work as well as they do normally and slowly take damage until you leave, and you can go extremely fast.