The "Dread Pirate" challenge


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    So just read through this thread again, and while I obviously have no intent on doing this, because it would be grossly unfair even to veteran players, the stringents of this challenge appear in now way to prevent me from mounting upon my ship for the grand sum of 18k mass:
    Which is in itself fully capable of burning through a full km of advanced armor in under 20 seconds.


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    i like the idea as a server guideline but it's very costly being a gentleman thief in a game of survival. it'd be like being a master jewel thief in dorchester or bringing an elegantly and well appointed rapier to a rocket arena.

    an NPC faction for use on servers based this idea would be interesting tho. the comedy in the roflstomps (that are bound to happen) won't come with unneeded drama when the gentleman pirate cries to an admin about 'slpoity ships sawing his armada in half. you know, cuz it's an NPC and not someone who mined out a planet to build a cathedral to excess strapped to a thruster array.
    Mar 3, 2015
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    So just read through this thread again, and while I obviously have no intent on doing this, because it would be grossly unfair even to veteran players, the stringents of this challenge appear in now way to prevent me from mounting upon my ship for the grand sum of 18k mass:
    Which is in itself fully capable of burning through a full km of advanced armor in under 20 seconds.
    I suddenly feel inadequate and inoffensive, like how Nintendo must feel at E3 every year....


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Now this is some fun PvP even I can get behind!
    To expand, this is exactly the sort of thing I like to see and hope we get to see more of.

    1) It sets rules. Its a gentleman's war, where the rules insist that everyone involved treats everyone else with some basic level of respect.

    2) It clearly paints dick moves as being against the rules. Attacking unarmed mining ships, attacking newbies (which are going to be flying very small ships), and just building giant uber-titans to roll over everyone are all right out.

    3) It promotes skill in both building and piloting. The size restrictions means the fights are frequently going to mean whoever has the most optimal build and the best ability to fly their ship are the ones that are going to win. Its not just brute force attacks. Thats the epitome of good PvP in my book.

    4) It discourages dishonorable conduct like ambush attacks, and makes it clear to everyone with the skull and crossbones what you are doing.

    5) It encourages honorable pirating behavior, such as giving the opponent the option to back out (for a price).

    Hell, even *I* would join a pirate faction if it lived by these kinds of rules!


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Hey now lets not rule out ambushes on ships ten times our size or more (My ship for this is like 2k mass) assuming they're properly telegraphed first e.g. suspiciously trailing someone while dropping in and out of sensor range.
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    Dec 17, 2014
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    So just read through this thread again, and while I obviously have no intent on doing this, because it would be grossly unfair even to veteran players, the stringents of this challenge appear in now way to prevent me from mounting upon my ship for the grand sum of 18k mass:
    Which is in itself fully capable of burning through a full km of advanced armor in under 20 seconds.
    wow. Are those ghost block out front?


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I am the dread pirate Tuco! Mantis Pirate Fighter
    A very nice use of slabs - even better than using wedges there.
    With slabs, you can have a corridor 2.5m in height but use 2 slabs and 1 empty space instead of 3 full blocks - a huge gain.
    Perhaps, you could link your CC to an "index" forum thread which puts links to all dread-pirate-ships with similar sizes into the OP. If we get an idea about what visual size we are talking about, we have it easier making new content.

    You didn't post any interior pictures, but it's a nice CC anyway.​
    Apr 11, 2015
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    'Tis now stuck in me head! Avast ye!!

    With Cat-Like Tread
    Upon our prey we steal
    In silence dread
    Our cautious way we feel
    No sound at all
    We never speak a word
    A fly's foot-fall
    Would be distinctly heard


    May 24, 2015
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    I've just now read this thread. What a superb idea. Bravo to Panpiper .
    I hope this continues on through to the end of August when I will be able to participate. I've never actually built a ship that big, so I'm not quite sure how I will tackle it. Thanks Pan, for getting the gears turning, and beware my Wrath Muhahaha!