The Creations of Damnation Inc.

    Nov 4, 2013
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    "Where Spaceworthy vessels are goal we're still desparately striving for."
    - Our founder and Chief "Engineer"

    This thread is intended for the posting of our creations which have, usually despite our best efforts rather than because of, achieved a basic level of useability to the point of being elevated from deathtrap in a vaccumm to actual spaceship. At the moment we only have a single design, but as future designs become available, they will be posted here.

    So, to begin we have a heavy fighter thingie, the Dagger V2.

    Mass: 243.6
    Dimentions L:31 H:9 W:37
    Power: 20,000 (12,156.5/sec)
    Thrust: 253.7
    Shield: 46247 (2329/sec)

    Future designs and downloads will be added as soon as we figure out what we are doing.
    Nov 4, 2013
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    Our newly completed design has been almost released... as soon as we figure out how to upload them.

    For now please have a look at the Frigate Gladius:

    Mass: 760.4
    Dimensions: L:79 H:11 W:27
    Power: 20,000 (69,523.6/sec)
    Thrust: 781
    Shield: 168,635 (6146/sec)
    Nov 4, 2013
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    So, due to issues with coming up with turret designs I\'m happy with, citing mostly various irrational criteria with no functional merrits, I\'ve been severely delayed in posting updates to the ships I\'ve been coming out with. Got a few hulls I have completed, but I\'m not sure I want to post them in their incomplete state. Doesn\'t seem to be too great of interest and they seem rather plain looking compared to competition so I may just let this thread die. Dunno yet. Ah well, back to working on the next batch of turrets that I\'ll inevitably fit to all of the ships shortly before deciding they are terrible and ejecting them into space for target practice.
    Sep 10, 2013
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    Don\'t give up just because you\'re not getting responses. It happens. I like the Gladius ok, but the Dagger v2 just looks really great. Very well done exterior.
    Nov 4, 2013
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    It\'s not the responses that would be the issue, but the turrets. So far I\'ve got 3 other hulls continuing various sizes up from the Gladius. Their mediocre, but I want to post them anyways. The issue is that the turrets are harming my very soul at the moment because for each itteration I keep fully fitting them on the ships only to decide I hate them the next day. This is both time and resource consuming and mentally painful. But I think we have a breakthrough in medeocrity, a vast improvement from the terrible turrets we were dealing with.
    Sep 10, 2013
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    I am not exceptionally good at building them either. But only once have I been so terribly dissatisfied that I replaced them entirely.
    Nov 4, 2013
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    After the recent completion of yet another ill conceived design I felt some joyriding was in order. At first there was smal scale incidents with local pirates, but nothing of consequence... untill I found what was apparently a very bad neighborhood. The results of the joyride are depicted below:

    After racing back to the scene I was atleast able to take some comfort in the fact that my enemy suffered a similar, while less overkilltacular fate.

    This was my first ever attempt at a battleship, which was a failure in my eyes for not meeting certain self imposed criteria, but looking at the job it did (without any turret support to deepen my shame) on my latest attempt at the same it\'s once again made obvious I have no idea what I am doing. Ah well, back to the drawing board.
    Jul 29, 2013
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    Your block placement, particularly power generators, is really, really bad. Just trying to give you some advice, strip that interior completely and go look at some clever mechanics for efficient power management.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    i agree, although he seems to be doing it right when you look at the crater in the front. maybe he reached 1 mil power generation, at which point it doesnt really matter where you put your energy blocks.
    Nov 4, 2013
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    This is pretty much it. It\'s a series of corner adjacent hypercrosses and L shapes where space/formation allows in front to about 1.2mill power, then a layer of shields before a section of pure power bricks for about another mill.
    Nov 4, 2013
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    \"We\'re not al all upset about the loss of our prior desing to pirates. Infact we even went so far as to create a new design to go back and talk things over with the pirates. Some might say the design is heavily influenced by thoughts of revenge, but nothing could be further from the truth. We simply want to \'negotiate\' safe passage through the sector that was being scouted. Don\'t believe the people telling you this is a ship of agression. They just don\'t want you to be safe when traveling the stars.

    \"Trust us, we\'ve only failed you once (that we told you about).\"
    Nov 4, 2013
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    About 440k if memory serves me correctly. I was mildly delerious upon finishing this project well after I should have been asleep. specifics and more pics available later, once I\'m back in front of a PC that has the game on it.
    Oct 31, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I actuallt liked what you seemd to consider your failed first attemppt at a battleship for some reason it reminds me slightly of Ancient architecture from StarGate.
    BTW nice work on your ships
    Nov 4, 2013
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    Just posting some images of past models:

    Fifth, called such because if was the 5th design we were actually willing to admit to creating at the time. Mayhaps it should be renamed to first instead. It remains probably one of the most offesively angry things I created, but now can\'t run continually due to the AMC nerf.

    Mass: 8273.6
    L:106 H:81 W:69
    Power: 1641630 (1153504.1/sec)
    Thrust: 10100.4
    Shields: 662069 (17142/sec)

    Next is the longsword, initially imagined at about half it\'s current size, it expanded from a combination of wanting a missile complement and needing additional power. The elongated nose stemmed from the dual complementary checkerboard of cannons, 1 high and 1 wide each, but rather long. It lacks turrets as pictured due to my OCD regarding turret designs propting me to remove them countless times.

    Mass: 1853.3
    L:101 H:25 W:35
    Power: 303346 (513832/sec)
    Thrust: 1887.5
    Shields: 286697(9150/sec)

    Next is the Claymore, a scale up of the Longsword designed to create a peer to Fifth. The weapons design is essentially just scalled up from it\'s smaller brother. Also, like the Longsword it lacks turrets currently for the same reason.

    Mass: 7237.6
    L:211 H:39 W:69
    Power: 4211129.8 (1245774.4/sec)
    Thrust: 7313.3
    Shields: 712850(18119/sec)

    And lastly the Zweihander, originaly a further scaling, but after fully realizing the limits of box dimension power bonuses massively overinflated it\'s size, decided to make it a possible combination turret/carrier platform. This has yet to be fully realized.

    Mass: 49853.9
    L:693 H:31 W:169
    Power: 4884915.4 (5008950/sec)
    Thrust: 50504.3
    Shields: 2506156 (46512/sec)
    Sep 4, 2013
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    The Zweihander is awesome! So huge... But probably kinda slow. Though i like the turrets. Maybe you should submit that thing to the battle ship contest?