Because that\'s the only right way to make ships as a valuable commodity.
It will require two additional blocks that works just like the docking modules. You place Shipyard Terminal that works as an index for construction zone, and connect Shipyard Expanders to it, in order to build bigger ship and do it one block faster. Exapnders would work just like Dock Enchancers - you place first one to initiate the cluster and add up to it to expand the zone in particular dimensions, though you can also stack them without expanding cluster dimensions, simply to increase the rate at which ship is reproduced.
Then, you coming to the shop and instead of buying the ship itself, you\'re purchacing a Ship Blueprint meta-item for a portion of ship\'s total base value. By itself that item only contains basic data on name, mass, size, stats and amount of slave-objects docked to the ship. You need to access the Shipyard terminal directly, which opens the shipyard dialog window. There, you place the Blueprint in, which triggers data loading, and would recieve a list of all required blocks to build the ship, starting from most numerous to least required, and there you can also specify the custom name for the ship. Each point of that list also has the typical inventory slot, which you need to drop materials into. When all required materials are provided, ship construction can be initiated after a confirmation promt (with time requirement specified) accepted. Shipyard will then start to gradually add blocks starting from the Core. Process can be paused and continued, and will pause itself automatically if sector it is located in has been unloaded or if any number of deposited blocks is changed either way. Ship can be undocked from it prior to process completion, but in that case any consideration for the blocks missing and process stage are lost indefinitely.
Such system would not only allow for more sustained material-based ship construction, but would also allow to use both ships and ship blueprints as feasible commodity. Prior to that, logically, several other has to be added first. Crafting system concept must be finalized, and entire economy must be based from crafting, rather than endless shop sweeping trough the entire star systems. Server owners has to start actually do something, like changing goddamn item blueprint purchace value at least down to 3k, so that factories start working practically. Credit earning methods has to change desperately and secure trading dialog has to be implemented, etc. All of that follows the way to the actual non-sandbox gameplay. Until we being kept in sandbox mode, nothing of afomentioned makes sense.
For starters, server admins has to get a possibility to limit all stats for blueprints usage - frequency of ordering, maximum mass, maximum price. Simply to avoid people ruining server performance with their unlimited urge to be \"the coolest\". Even if just mass limit is set, player can abuse block-package purchaces, but they still would have to build ships manually above the given limit.