That HP system......

    Jan 25, 2015
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    so eum, i'm not sure if i get this right, help me out please:
    first of all, pierce and punch-though are now only usefull effects as defend?
    filling a ship with advanced armour like you would do with shields has effects to hp?
    is filling a ship with advached armour a good idea?
    is dividing your ship into many segments on rails suddenly a pretty good idea?
    what exactly changed to that AI aiming system?
    Jul 15, 2014
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    Pierce and Punch Through should both be working fine as far as I know.

    Armour doesn't give you any extra health, but it increases your "armour hp". While you have armour HP you take half damage from everything. So having a fair chunk of armour is a good thing. Advanced Armour is also really good at stopping attacks now (to a point, a capital scale gun will still rip through it). Different blocks have different weights though, and you get more armour hp for less weight using basic hull (by a fair amount actually), with the trade off that hull itself is weaker.

    You get more HP from system blocks like power, shields, weapons etc.

    After trying it out with a few ships I gotta say I am liking the system actually. I tried fighting an old blueprint (with no shield chargers) in a much smaller ship and the thing really took a beating.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    All I can say is build ships like you normaly do. Fights are just more interesting. Plus boarding is viable now.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    What Jay-do said build them normally.

    Advanced armours are 2.5 x heavier than normal armour now. Advanced armours are also hit point sinks to soak up damage from missiles or anything else. All attacks that hit anything considered armour half the damage goes to the ship armour HP or until it runs out and the rest hits the blocks like normal. So you can view your ships armour as additional buffer against damage. I wouldn't fill in spare spaces with advanced armour though as you can have a massive pile of armour HP but once they start hurting system blocks which aren't armour the armour HP isn't absorbing damage.

    With the new system HP system AI guns come back into play somewhat. You don't need to strike the core just do enough damage to inflict half the total system HP damage to put the ship into overheat. I like the idea of this damage system.

    Shields are still good.


    Who's idea was this?
    Sep 8, 2013
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    Luckily certain systems can be isolated and internally shielded.
    The rest can be externally armoured/shielded.

    It's a lot of extra effort however, and basically involves working on several ships at once to make a jigsaw puzzle ship.
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    Jan 25, 2015
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    Pierce and Punch Through should both be working fine as far as I know.

    Armour doesn't give you any extra health, but it increases your "armour hp". While you have armour HP you take half damage from everything. So having a fair chunk of armour is a good thing. Advanced Armour is also really good at stopping attacks now (to a point, a capital scale gun will still rip through it). Different blocks have different weights though, and you get more armour hp for less weight using basic hull (by a fair amount actually), with the trade off that hull itself is weaker.

    You get more HP from system blocks like power, shields, weapons etc.

    After trying it out with a few ships I gotta say I am liking the system actually. I tried fighting an old blueprint (with no shield chargers) in a much smaller ship and the thing really took a beating.
    All I can say is build ships like you normaly do. Fights are just more interesting. Plus boarding is viable now.
    What Jay-do said build them normally.

    Advanced armours are 2.5 x heavier than normal armour now. Advanced armours are also hit point sinks to soak up damage from missiles or anything else. All attacks that hit anything considered armour half the damage goes to the ship armour HP or until it runs out and the rest hits the blocks like normal. So you can view your ships armour as additional buffer against damage. I wouldn't fill in spare spaces with advanced armour though as you can have a massive pile of armour HP but once they start hurting system blocks which aren't armour the armour HP isn't absorbing damage.

    With the new system HP system AI guns come back into play somewhat. You don't need to strike the core just do enough damage to inflict half the total system HP damage to put the ship into overheat. I like the idea of this damage system.

    Shields are still good.
    Luckily certain systems can be isolated and internally shielded.
    The rest can be externally armoured/shielded.

    It's a lot of extra effort however, and basically involves working on several ships at once to make a jigsaw puzzle ship.
    thanks for all the information :D
    i got a better feeeling about the HP-system now.
    only 1 question hasn't been answered: would it be a good idea to split your entire ship into pieces on rails?
    then when 1 piece is destroyed, the other mechanisms aren't effected. a bit like this ship:

    every disk can rotate, its from the guardians of the galaxy.
    in this way, you could put all the offensive parts on those disks and use wireless+hotbar to use them, when both side destroyed, you can still go full power as the real ship is still undamaged.


    Who's idea was this?
    Sep 8, 2013
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    Better to make onions than bread loaves.


    Space Triangle Builder
    Jan 12, 2014
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    Plus boarding is viable now.

    thanks for all the information :D
    i got a better feeeling about the HP-system now.
    only 1 question hasn't been answered: would it be a good idea to split your entire ship into pieces on rails?
    then when 1 piece is destroyed, the other mechanisms aren't effected. a bit like this ship:

    every disk can rotate, its from the guardians of the galaxy.
    in this way, you could put all the offensive parts on those disks and use wireless+hotbar to use them, when both side destroyed, you can still go full power as the real ship is still undamaged.
    That's an interesting idea. Someone needs to test this :D
    Jul 15, 2014
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    For splitting your ship up I don't really know. I'd guess you have the advantage that if a section gets destroyed your ship doesn't suffer a penalty, but the "main" section of the ship would be quite fragile since it isn't getting any HP from the other segments. Would be an interesting ship to see though.
    Jan 25, 2015
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    That's an interesting idea. Someone needs to test this :D
    For splitting your ship up I don't really know. I'd guess you have the advantage that if a section gets destroyed your ship doesn't suffer a penalty, but the "main" section of the ship would be quite fragile since it isn't getting any HP from the other segments. Would be an interesting ship to see though.
    new ship class has been added:
    with the size and mass of a titan this beautifull class can be the core of an attack.
    it's damage per second is legandary, people often reffer to the DESTROYER as the iron fist.
    it is very vulnerable to many ships and turrets, this is why it should Always be in a fleet.
    opposite way, everything is vulnerable to the DESTROYER (exept homebase of course).
    with its massive damage, and damage spread, you better stay out of shot.

    other advantage is: detroying it still takes really long, as it has so many parts.

    disadvatage: it has to be in a fleet, the fleet will be able to reduce the damage being done to the DESTROYER.
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