Switchable weapon boosts

    Aug 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Legacy Citizen
    Here's the gist of this suggestion: you can combine full three-computer (or partial) weapon systems to get flight-mode switchable bonuses.

    Why would you want this? More flexible tactical options. You could have a sniper rifle that you convert into a submachine for close combat. You could have separate cannons link into either a staggered shooting pattern for a high ROF or into a heavy charge mode to let a fighter/bomber destroy heavy armored blocks.

    The "Synchronizer computer." Link a main weapon to it, then subordinate the other weapons to it. These subordinates won't fire. It'll be most effective with only a few subordinate weapons. So for example it would be
    (Cannon-beam-pt) > Synch > (Cannon-beam-exp) & (Cannon-beam-pt) for my sniper rifle/submachine.
    Now, when the weapon is selected, I can hit f2 to switch synchronization modes.
    These are: Burst, Stagger, Range, and Charge.

    Burst changes the reload to a third of a second, for however many times the mass of the subordinate system the entire multiple system is, then you have to wait a full reload cycle again. Increases power consumption a bit.
    Stagger gives all the weapons, main and subordinate, the effects of full cannon slave (if they don't already have it) and then staggers out the shots weapon. (So if you want a gatling gun...)
    Range won't increase dps. However, it can extend the range of the attack. Works best if the main weapon has a beam slave.
    Charge lets you fire normally at standard, no-slave firing rates, or hold down the fire button to reduce your ROF to pulse levels, but greatly increasing your damage, slightly increasing your DPS, and greatly reducing your instant load on the power supply (drains power throughout the charge)

    You may have noticed the example I put up there had different effects. You can get multiple effects from this (except in stagger mode), but only up to 100% effects. In the above case, (assuming they were the same size) the explosive effect would have been 1/3 and the punch-though would have been 2/3.

    The weapons don't have to have of the same primaries or slaves. The main system determines what gets fired for everything except the stagger mode. In stagger mode, if the ROFs are different, then the slower ones will be spaced out.
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