You are correct -
no turrets. (I'm on my own little sandbox-server, tho, so not that big a deal --unless/until the "single-player experience" gets worked on. My old Chevy Nova PC can't handle other players existing in my universe...)
That said, I still hate "the look" of external turrets -- they seem primitive ("WWII era Navy" I once described turrets as) and unfitting of my concept of what space-craft should look like. Call me a design snob...

But I just refuse to use them. Yes, I realize I'm an eccentric outlier, but it is what it is/ my tastes are what they are -- not likely to change.
I have made subtle(?) suggestive comments referring to what could best be described as "internal turrets" or "internal point-defense systems." I don't expect to get much love on that front, however. It's evident that my "big-picture" of space existence differs from Schema and the general Starmade community -- I'm almost OK with that. (I still think I'm right, of course...)
I enjoy this game tremendously (so far), I just do things my own way. Every society needs it's eccentrics.