Super Templar's Crazy and Abstract Ideas

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Super Templar's Suggestions:

    Since I don't want to consume 5 different threads with my ideas, I will put them in one thread. This one!

    Idea Number One: EMP Coated Torpedoes
    Fancy name for something simple, a missile launcher that goes through shields, "but wait!! That is OP!!" Your right, it is, if you let it be, but! Guess what? You can only have one (like a faction block). "But wait, can't you spam turrets over your ship?" Yes, but, first off, they will have low shields (cause you'll need so many), and are slow (50kph) Also range is 2500, damage is 2000 (Armor piercing) and splash is 3 (so your crater is really small). Plus your firerate = about 1 shot per 8 seconds(ish)

    Purpose: Increase worth of fighters by giving them a weapon against powerful large ships

    Idea Number Two: Effecient Planets

    "NO! Not another planet idea! I hate round planets! Shut up already!" Your wrong. WRONG! I don't care for round planets, hard to make, looks funny, and is impossible to dock anything bigger than a fighter to before it looks plain stupid. Actually I am talking about optimizing current planets and making way for doublesided ones. Let me explain.

    The planet is about 2km in diameter. "WHAT? You want to crash servers!" That is what you are thinking. No! The answer is relatively simple, a two sided picture of planetary blocks, solid, cannot be detroyed, not directly anyways. "I don't wanna have a plate as a planeetttt!!!" I know, that is why there are blocks (about equal in number to the ones that make up a 500 diameter planet) on the top, that makes hills, mountains, and those wierd alien towers (trees and other planet stuff made of actual blocks).

    As we know, most planets have a lot of mostly flat spots, this is where that picture is on the surface. This also makes it harder for a build block newb to consume the planet by using 10X10X10 destructo method.

    "That is great! But I like to make my space stations in a destroyed planets atmosphere". I don't, but you know what? That is why each planet has a different picture based on its type (one of which includes a urban-space like platform, looks like a station sorta).

    "I like this guy now, wait! I can't go from top to bottom and don't have open areas on my station that I can pass though!" That is pretty terrible, that is why all planets pictures have a hole in the center, 5X5 style, and the space platform has areas that are hollow, making rings and stuff. If you made it this far, let me explain a little more.

    This "picture" is really a single entity made up of sections, "blocks". But, they only have two sides, no depth. this reduces the amount of sides drawn (since there are only two, instead of six). This allows bigger planets, without the need for 20X the number of blocks. Plus since they are doublesided, if you place that new gravity block (the multi-directional one), you can them make the bottom (the bottom is un-generated by default).

    Plus, the planet "Could" have a "core" just like ships, but stronger, with an armor rating of 10K and hp of 1K, this makes it hard to destroy the planet (meltdown takes six minutes). This allows planets to still be destructable, but not easily. I guess you could say a planet is a station, with benifits. I do not think it would be to hard to impliment and would allow big planets that don't destroy the world. It will also pave way for the two sided planets, which are sure to come.

    Idea Number Three: :Coming Soon to Forums Near You:


    Dec 31, 2013
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    No breaks, I lost myself in a white desert of letters... | EMP Coated Torpedoes. So many cores? This will introduce Scatter-cannons v2. Don\'t like. Want to wait for the master-slave-system update first. | For the planets, a 5x5 hole would be great. Some station stuff in the center on some planets would be good too, but who makes the models? I would like different stations, like a dungeon for lava-planets, a tree for earth-like green planets, a ice tower/castle for ice planets, etc. I don\'t like the planet-core idea. I don\'t like cores in general. Instead you should freeze over computer while using it (somebody can aim at your body). And be able to change computers, etc. But that is stuff for another thread. Hard to read? You wanted it this way.
    Nov 19, 2013
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    Like I said, you can only have one, cant have scatter cannon with just a single block. :D

    EDIT: I am not sure exactly what you mean by \"so many cores\".


    Dec 31, 2013
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    you have to build main core + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon + docking + core + power + cannon

    This takes a lot of time and is annoying to repair. Does not make much sense to force out something like this with a superior one-per-ship weapon.

    Also your navigation (while flying this ship) would be:



    That is just a harmless example, because I don\'t want a post which is a 1000 screens long.

    Also you can only have a half dozen targets before you need to scroll down... Go to and look how much the Space patrol ships clutter the navigation. And then don\'t complain, you don\'t find your ship :D
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I had the same Idea for the EMP Coated Torpedoes, but I called them Proton Torpedoes.
    Nov 19, 2013
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    I am still not sure what you mean. The idea of it being only a single block is to prevent people from overusing it (it would be op if you had 100 individual missiles that went straight through shields) so it is simply a regular missile but you can only have one, thats it, nothing more, not sure what you think I am saying, but, yeah, whatever it is, it isn\'t supposed to be that way, just so you know.
    Nov 19, 2013
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    I don\'t know if Schema would be willing to name them after a star-wars weapon, nice try though! :D


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    An emp disables electronics. it does not punch through energy shields.

    Also, they won\'t work, for simple reasons. First, range is too high.

    Also range is 2500

    2500m is an insane distance for a missile that ignores shields.

    damage is 2000 (Armor piercing)

    This doesn\'t make any sense. There is no point in doing 2000 armor piercing damage if nothing has beyond 200 health, and the radius is only 3 blocks.

    As Neon was saying earlier, it would be very easy to make a center ship with some basic thrust, a cannon, and a docking module. On the docking module, you have another shield piercing rocket, some power, and the core. and another docking unit. This chain continues on for a very long time. A person could unleash a large swarm of these missiles by rapidly switching between all the guns.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    actually proton torpedoes arent actually both star trek and star wars as well as just about any other sifi series out there
    Nov 19, 2013
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    yes, but he will also die fast, remember, those move slow! You need to be close for them to hit a moving target and range is 2500 cause that is max view distance, besides, it would only work on targets that don\'t move (since it would take like 25 seconds to reach the target, I mean really.)