Suggestions relating to stuff you could implement from other games.

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    Howdy folks, this is just a few thoughts I've had pertaining to Starmade, and how it could improve through the coming updates.

    First few bits here will be games I've played via steam or somesuch that give a neat sci-fi feel, or would just make the game a lot more dynamic.

    1. FTL: Faster Than Light

    FTL is a fantastic game, that's sort of ubiquitous with fans of rogue-likes and sci-fi games, and the main mechanic in it that strikes me as something that ought to be implemented is the leveling of traits based on the time its been used and what actions you've taken the most part in.

    Typically, these systems are implemented in First-Person games to reward the player for playing to what they fancy doing and to better suit their playstyle. Now, having a piloting skill that would level the farther you went with it would be kind of odd to have, as I cannot see a way of balancing that, though traits that'd level over time, such as repairing and the like, would be nice.

    I don't think it'd fair well with anyone if they where direct upgrades, so something like Guns of Icarus, with a variety of tools would probably be the best course of action.

    Another thing I think would do well within the community is a variety of races to play as, and it only makes sense with how many planets are able to be feasibly explored.

    Oh, and more systems, such as sensors and such.
    and drones.

    2. Guns of Icarus

    Guns of Icarus is about being boisterous and flying too close to the sun.
    JK, it's a fluttery airship game where you play as one of three classes to murder things.

    One of the most intriguing things about GoI is that they went the direction of having to have one cohesive machine of people, coordinated enough to kill the other thing that was less coordinated, which is extremely satisfying.

    A way to do this is to iron out the ship's recognition of turrets, which would allow you to dock a turret to somewhere, with the option of having a port to allow a gunner of choice to pop in and begin shooting things. For something engineer-y, take a gander at the suggestion just above this one.

    3. Starbound

    Starbound is a Terraria-esque game, made by the dudes who made Terraria, to act as a sequel to Terraria.

    There's a couple of choice bits I reckon should be implemented.

    The first being planetary exploration. The planets now are literally flat, and there isn't much too them. I'm aware there's gonna be amazing ones in the upcoming update, but I felt I oughta toss this out while it's still in progress. Random generation of temples and ancient ruins would be rad, and give a sort of Metroid-y feel, which is never a bad thing.

    Next up on the rack is races. Races are a neat little thing to have in any game, as it lets you feel as though the thing you're playing is actually yours, despite it probably being entirely unoriginal. Sci-Fi allows the creator to conjure up generally anything they please, as there very well could be thousands of planets with a potential for hosting life. Another neat bit about races is the culture you can weave in with them. That opens up the option of trade if a sector is race-specific and another group needs ore or something from them. It also opens up an opportunity to impliment racial buffs, like a slight buff to shields, or the ability to survive for a brief period of time in the vacuum of space.

    If this seems a bit silly, it's because I wrote it at 4 in the morning.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 11
    On Races
    Randomly generated alien creatures are planned in the future. Devs have said they like the idea of numerous factions in the universe. These two could certainly be combined to allow randomly generated alien races with their own ships and such.

    On Flat worlds
    We actually have dodecahedron planets now. Cities and pyramids rarely spawn on planets already. More types of these would be fantastic.