Suggestions: Missile Tracking systems, better radar, Autopilot, etc.

    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    There are a few things I would like to see implimented into the game. First of all, I would like to see some form of Missile tracking/alarm. Say, an opponent locks S-BB missiles on you. You would then recieve an alert, saying that there are missiles locked on you, and you could respond accordingly. I also think missile defense systems could be implemented, say, flares or EMPs.

    I think there should be a way to increase the built-in radar's performance, range, and capabilities. One should be able to add things like jamming protection, ship-name lists, the ability to know the distance vertically from you a ship is, it's size, and any weapons onboard. This would actually help smaller ships not get into conflict with larger ones. It should also be able to warn you when enemy ships are nearby.

    An autopilot function would also be nice. I would like to set cooardinates that I would like to go, and then sit back and let the ship go there on it's own. Of course, it should have limits, and warnings. If you are about to fly into an asteroid field, or if the radar detects hostile ships, the Autopilot should switch off. This actually corrisponds with the common "straight line navigation".

    Here are quite a few things that are a bit harder to do, but if it works, it could really be useful: Working teleporters (as in "beam me up, Scotty!"); objects inside ships are effected by the ship's gravity, and won't fly out; Turrets are effected by the ship's own shields, and cannot be shot by the ship's own cannons/other turrets; salvage missiles; multiple weapons firing at once; missiles don't damage shops; warp cores; teired items (like different strength engines that cost more, but are faster and more energy efficient); heat seaking missiles don't track the ship they were fired from; call your ship to you (also ties into the Autopilot feature); the ability to pick up items already attached to your ship, and move them to a differet part of the ship (would be especially useful if the ship's core is in a vulnerable location and you want it to be moved); changeable center-of-gravity (not always centered around the core, useful for ships that have the core in the back of the ship); Ship automatically flies to faction home on log-off (again, Autopilot); Quick-travel your character to faction home (just makes sense.); penalty for dieing (no more suicide to respawn; you actually have to fast travel, or you lose half your credits or something); ship names can have spaces (Ship 1) and periods (Ship 2.0); ships can have multiple cores; the ability to, in the event the ship core is destroyed, self destruct the ship so the opposing team cannot reach it; explorable wormholes; Ship can have built-in cannons AI controlled (so they will aim automatically while you focus on piloting your ship, without the use of turrets); Turrets function with Powerdrain Beams; a way to increase the turning speed of larger ships; Plexlifter support in larger ships; I can keep doing this all day...

    I know most of this probably won't even see the light of day, but it's all good Ideas, I think.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Totally agree with the radar thing.

    There should be radar blocks, that will expand your radar view (with an upper limit) and enhance its anti-jamming capabilities (slowly though).

    This could also introduce \"radar-ships\", that will function as support in a fleet and are purely meant to detect cloaked/jamming threats, or to perform long range scans.
    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    the Idea I forgot to mention is the ability to easily see where the damage is on your ship in Build Mode. This would be especially useful for larger ships. I believe something like a red marker on damaged or missing blocks.