Suggestion: Use Our Suggestions

    Jun 24, 2013
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    Oh stop the smack talk.

    These people work hours on end to make this game, and all you can do is call them assholes and critisize them.
    Jul 30, 2013
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    I didn\'t call anyone an asshole. I stated that I felt like Furb\'s post about Schema\'s motivations for making this game and attention to the fanbase\'s needs implied that he (Schema) was the kind of \"asshole\" that really wouldn\'t care about our suggestions, in so much that he\'d have to hear our desires from someone else instead of ever actually even look at the ideas posted here. I\'m still in denial of that fact, as hard as the evidence in recent client updates is to refute :P I\'m gonna do my best to cope with this Alpha as it goes on, but no matter how little Schema or anyone else cares about what\'s actually posted here, if I want (or need) something from an update in order to do what I do better (admin my server), or to just enjoy the game more in general. I\'m gonna make it known. It isn\'t until brown-noses come up in my posts talking about \"zomg coding is hard tho\" or \"this is alpha so shaddap\" that I get a bit irritated. If YOU don\'t want to read my suggestions and (amazingly sound) justifications for wanting/needing them, then please just pass on by. ;)
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Maybe, just MAYBE, after each update there should be a poll, listing some of the more popular suggestions (or having some kind of special section, where players can \"register\" their suggestions, maybe?) and having people vote on which one of them they want implemented the most. The suggestion with most votes then has a much greater chance to be implemented in future update(s).
    Jun 19, 2013
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    although the crafting/recipe system seems odd, there is more to it. beetlebear stated they were going for more of a scientific aproach to recipe/crafting/making stuff. there is currently a feature that was added as an easter egg that allows a player to breakdown items into base elements and then recraft them into new elements that can be used to create blocks.

    As far as the alpha thing, i agree with you that it is a stupid thing to say to people. The game has been released to as many people as want to play it for free. it is getting alot of players and will probably get a lot more over time. The free part allows more people to hopefully get hooked on the potential. Now to my point, the alpha part doesn\'t matter but right now it appear the devs are completely rethinking a number of parts of the game, from manufacturing to pvp to planet design to personal items. If this game is going to be successful they need to keep going in the direction they are headed. They do read the sugestions, they just implemented on from a couple weeks ago, someone suggessted the missile rework where blocks actually absorb damage as the missile explodes as opposed to the old way which was not all that great. they have implemented that so when an idea is one that makes sense and fits in with where they want the game to go they use it.

    Now is the time to continue reworking the stuff that breaks the game and add new features even if they are broken or break stuff. The memory leak can be dealt with, I remember a number of times when minecraft had massive memory leaks that they had to track down and fix so this is nothing unusual and they were sometimes quite persistent.

    Thats all.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    the fact why you\'re seeing things like you do now \"added features not refined, ... \" is because you have the ability to see it because it is open alpha, not closed, if it was closed alpha, all of this would have been happening behind your back and you\'d see a refined game when it finally came out, if you don\'t want to spoil yourself, just don\'t and wait untill the game is released, that\'s why it\'s an alpha, just add some stuff that resembles what you want in this game and refine it when the main structure is out there... how do you draw a picture? first you draw a sketch and all the basic shapes, and yet then you start fixing stuff up,
    May 11, 2013
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    You could still remoev factory blocks form the shop and cubatom (literally the only places you can get them). You don\'t have to remove the item from the game data/index, just make it unavailable to players. Or remove the functionality of the item and leave it as a cosmetic block.

    Yup thats totally true, and i honestly cant say why that hasnt been done. All i can do is speculate and provide limited insight.

    Players cracked open and started modding minecraft LONG before the API was opened, and Mojang start implimenting mod feature into the base game LONG before the API was opened. Players have been shaping the development of minecraft since mid-alpha.

    Nothing is stopping you from cracking open Starmade. Notch didnt start out wanting to make mods apart of the main code-base, it just happened because it worked well. I can totally forsee if there are wicked mods and good ideas implemented into mods, they will be integrated into this main code base. But just because it worked well for notch doesnt mean every indie dev who makes a voxel java game has to do it.

    But he\'s not fixing anything, gameplay-wise

    Do you look at the bug-squash list on every update post? Theres like 10 bugs crushed every time.

    He\'s introducing \'features\' that don\'t require play testers at all until he actually does start fixing things.

    How do you think he learns it needs fixing? By people just casually playing with the features. What you\'re doing right now, reporting about this over powered, broken crafting system is setting it on the course for being fixed.

    Would it be such a ballache to change the shop buy prices to a fracion of their sell prices? I can\'t imagine it would take longer to do that than to introduce redundant crafting features.

    Thats not for me to say, and if you really want, send him a PM and ask him personally.

    It becomes a right when you pay for it. And I see you have payed for it.

    No it does not become a right. You didnt agree to anything, nor sign anything. The game was playable before you paid for it. You had all the ability in the world to see what you were buying, you determined it was worth your 3$. You have a preconceived notion that you\'re owed something. I agree with you, you do deserve to have the game you paid for to run better. But again, ALPHA. You must be patient and have faith that by the time this game is released it will be stable and near flawless. Bugs are being crushed in due time, and Schema is adding and fixing things that he determines their time has come, not when you determine it.

    You go on the \'Buy\' page up there and tell me where it says pre-order.

    It also doesnt say, \"100% full release, By the way, it works perfectly\". It says, full-version, which you are getting. It also says right on the front page that this game is in development. It\'s common knowledge this is a preorder, you could ask anyone in any chat room and they\'d tell you.

    To do you the same courtesy I went on the steam page for Rome II; it deffinately says pre-order. It may be an alpha, but what you pay for is the game as it is now and throughout development and release and when you pay for that, being able to play it is absolutely a right and not a priveledge.

    My mistake! I wasnt aware ROME II was actually allowing people to play it currently. But as you even said, \"but what you pay for is the game as it is now and throughout development and release\", you\'re playing it as it is, if it\'s buggy and theres a few bugs that are persisting, then so be it. Also I doubt if you didnt like the way something was, they\'d change it to better suite you. That games every feature has been planned for likely, years. Where as starmade is open to suggestions, and many suggestions are used. If you were having issues with Rome that caused a crash that made the game completely unplayable, it would be fixed, just like with starmade. But if theres a bug every now and then thats a minor inconvience it would likely not be addressed for a long time, and it would be addressed by likely a professional game polisher, apart of a team of 20++ developers. Starmade doesnt have a polisher, it has 1 programmer, and hes working his bum off adding and fixing, so give him some time. The next few updates will be damn near entirely bug fixes, with very likely a cubatom balance.
    Apr 21, 2013
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    You kids are way too entitled for your own good. Schema calls the shots around here, and if that\'s a problem then I don\'t understand why you\'re still here. Never before have i seen such a pack of babies whining about why they can\'t have everything they want right now.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Why does it seem that more people are bitching about the game instead of enjoying it? Its in alpha stage people. Pull up your big kid pants and deal with how the game is. Don\'t like it? Sucks for you :D
    Jul 30, 2013
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    I\'ve exchanged messages directly with Schema about a few things, and I\'m here to tell you he does care about our suggestions, and he does have plans for just about every good idea there is eventually, but it\'s a step at a time process, and he has to give everything careful consideration before it\'s implemented. So yeah, I\'m definitely done supporting my own topic here. Time to shift gears, see: