Suggestion to support Large ships.

    Jun 20, 2013
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    This is mostly a suggestion, but one quick question when i press R on a shield module, it says that the ships shields take almost 2 mil e/sec to recharge, is thsi a typo because when the ships are fighting my power doesnt instadrain to 0 every time the shields are shot...

    Back to the topic!

    Add life support systems! i.e. individual blocks/modules that "produce"/"enrich" the "air" blocks within the ship with the conditions that allow life for our "astronaught" species.

    Atmospheric generator- Produces the proper element composed air to allow proper gas exchange.

    AC- between the cold void and the Sun, where the fuck is my AC?

    Food Generator- Produces Nutrients for the crew of the ship. (More of a long term option, could be made Space Station Only)

    Sleep/Cryo Pods- Every man (and some women) need rest!

    Thats all for now!