Suggestion to improve Planet Mining [Code]

    Oct 17, 2013
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    I'm a novice programmer in C++,
    Here's me taking a stab at making a entity interaction protocol (at least the part of the salvage beam interaction).
    Feel free to criticise and suggest improvements. I'll add stuff once I get more done. This is generic and only here to illustrate how I would go about making such a protocol (Stuff behind // gets ignored by the compiler in C++).

    //author: 4plains
    //Function: none
    //Intention when writing this: Making a example for a easy interaction protocol
    //All the ID declaration is probalby unnecessary when implemented into the Source Code of StarMade. I've put it there so the rest of the code makes sense.

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    void EntityInteractionProtocol(int InteractorID, int InteractorTarget, double InteractionPow, int InteractorSupport=-1, int InteractorEffect=-1)
    //Declaring all the module interaction IDs for later identification.
    //Values are set as constants so that the code cannot modify them.
    //These should be provided by a differet part of the source code of StarMade

    //module IDs to check for
    const short moduleSalvageBeam = 0;
    const short moduleCannonProjectile = 1;
    const short moduleDmgBeam = 2;
    const short moduleDmgPulse = 3;
    const short moduleMissile = 4;
    const short moduleMiscBeam = 5;

    //entity ID's to check for; no further needed as the entity ID's cover all the possible types of ingame entity to check for
    const short planetcore = -255;
    const short FactionedPlanetPlate = -254;
    const short FactionedStation = -253;
    const short FactionedShip = -252;
    const short HomeBase = -251;
    const short IntactShip = -245;

    const short Ship = -250;
    const short Station = -249;
    const short Asteriod = -248;
    const short PlanetPlate = -247;
    const short Creature = -246; //Includes Players and NPCs

    //now the interaction protocol

    if (InteractorID == moduleSalvageBeam) //InteractionID is the interactor ID (salvage beam, ...)
    if (InteractorTarget == planetcore) //InteractorTarget is the interaction target (a type of entity)
    return 0; //terminates interaction protocol
    if (InteractorTarget == FactionedPlanetPlate)
    return 0;
    if (InteractorTarget == FactionedStation)
    return 0;
    if (InteractorTarget == IntactShip) //Factioned ships are automatically also intact and therefore are not salvageable, so no need to check seperately in the salvage beam branch of this interaction protocol.
    return 0;
    float virtHP=200;
    float virtHP=200.-InteractionPow //substract salvage power from Virtual HP
    if (virtHP>=0) //if virtHP falls hits 0 or below block gets removed
    //block removal code
    return 0;

    // I'll not bother with writing the code for how weapons and misc beams iteract with entities today, this just serves as an example. This is written in C++ language,
    // so translation to Java is probably necessary. But it should illustrate how a interaction protocol should work. and how I'd fix the code for salvaging interactions.
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    Reactions: Lidren
    Jul 21, 2013
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    • Hardware Store
    I'm a novice programmer in C++,
    Here's me taking a stab at making a entity interaction protocol (at least the part of the salvage beam interaction).
    Feel free to criticise and suggest improvements. I'll add stuff once I get more done. This is generic and only here to illustrate how I would go about making such a protocol (Stuff behind // gets ignored by the compiler in C++).

    //author: 4plains
    //Funcion: none
    //Intention when writing this: Making a example for a easy interaction protocol
    //All the ID declaration is probalby unnecessary when implemented into the Source Code of StarMade. I've put it there so the rest of the code makes sense.

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    void EntityInteractionProtocol(int InteractorID, int InteractorTarget, double InteractionPow, int InteractorSupport=-1, int InteractorEffect=-1)
    //Declaring all the module interaction IDs for later identification.
    //Values are set as constants so that the code cannot modify them.
    //These should be provided by a differet part of the source code of StarMade

    //module IDs to check for
    const short moduleSalvageBeam = 0;
    const short moduleCannonProjectile = 1;
    const short moduleDmgBeam = 2;
    const short moduleDmgPulse = 3;
    const short moduleMissile = 4;
    const short moduleMiscBeam = 5;

    //entity ID's to check for; no further needed as the entity ID's cover all the possible types of ingame entity to check for
    const short planetcore = -255;
    const short FactionedPlanetPlate = -254;
    const short FactionedStation = -253;
    const short FactionedShip = -252;
    const short HomeBase = -251;
    const short IntactShip = -245;

    const short Ship = -250;
    const short Station = -249;
    const short Asteriod = -248;
    const short PlanetPlate = -247;
    const short Creature = -246; //Includes Players and NPCs

    //now the interaction protocol

    if (InteractorID == moduleSalvageBeam) //InteractionID is the interactor ID (salvage beam, ...)
    if (InteractorTarget == planetcore) //InteractorTarget is the interaction target (a type of entity)
    return 0; //terminates interaction protocol
    if (InteractorTarget == FactionedPlanetPlate)
    return 0;
    if (InteractorTarget == FactionedStation)
    return 0;
    if (InteractorTarget == IntactShip) //Factioned ships are automatically also intact and therefore are not salvageable, so no need to check seperately in the salvage beam branch of this interaction protocol.
    return 0;
    float virtHP=200;
    float virtHP=200.-InteractionPow //substract salvage power from Virtual HP
    if (virtHP>=0) //if virtHP falls hits 0 or below block gets removed
    //block removal code
    return 0;

    // I'll not bother with writing the code for how weapons and misc beams iteract with entities today, this just serves as an example. This is written in C++ language,
    // so translation to Java is probably necessary. But it should illustrate how a interaction protocol should work. and how I'd fix the code for salvaging interactions.
    for indentation, I recommend using either the [CODE] tag or [INDENT] tag


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    (you forgot the "t", second line ;) )