Suddenly Unplayable

    Aug 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hello all,

    I don't normally post on forums, especially asking for help, but I have been searching for hours and am frustrated beyond words by this point. I've been playing StarMade for a couple of days now, and really enjoying it, but for some reason when I tried to play today it had become impossibly laggy. I play either single player or LAN with my brother (was attempting single player today); normally, my desktop runs both the server and the client, so I get a bit of lag now and then, but I can deal with it. When I launched it today, though, nothing would load except for one or two ships - not the station they were docked to, not the asteroids nearby, not the planet that I built my factory on, not even the pirate ships that attacked and killed me.

    I tried running the server on my laptop (an old piece of junk I used for college) but that made no difference. After that, I went back to running both on my desktop, and tried allocating more RAM to Java; again, it made no difference. I've found forum posts referencing Early Generation/Initial/Maximal memory settings, but I can't seem to find these anywhere at all, so I don't know if those will help anything.

    I am completely out of ideas, and incredibly upset and frustrated now; any suggestions at all would be appreciated.

    I am running 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, with the following hardware...
    Processor: Intel Core2 Duo E8400 (3.0GHz)
    RAM: 8GB
    Video: AMD Radeon HD 7850 Core 1GB

    If you need more info, I will do my best to help you help me... Again, any input is appreciated.

    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    When you first open the launcher, go to options and then you can get to the memory settings (both client and server, in separate tabs)

    Did you fly a large ship into or nearby a planet?
    Aug 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    Thank you! I had just been hitting Start Game/Start Dedicated Server and looking for an options menu in either of those with memory settings, didn\'t even notice the Options button at the top of the launcher.

    My ship isn\'t very large, I think it\'s around 25x10x10 (I can\'t tell you for sure, I tried to spawn one from the catalog and have been receiving Server Doesn\'t Answer errors for 5 minutes since), but it does have 8 small turrets attached to it; I didn\'t fly it into the planet\'s gravity well, I exited the ship and flew over to the planet myself, but there were 7 or 8 trading guild ships crash-landed there.

    I see there is an update available right now, so I will download that and post back if anything changes...

    EDIT: I doubled the numbers in every section of the memory allocation; it doesn\'t seem to have changed anything. Another annoying thing that\'s happening is upon exiting the game (single player), the server manager window remains open; this wasn\'t happening yesterday, and nothing on my system has changed. Clicking \"Shut Down Server\" doesn\'t do anything, nor does hitting the X - I have to open task manager and end the process.

    Looking at the Processes list, I see that Javaw.exe is using 90%-100% of my CPU, even when the game is closed; does this mean that the Server Manager is hoarding all of my processing power, making the game ridiculously slow?
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Try starting the server using the dedicated server bat file and NOT launcher. I\'ve noticed that the dedicated launcher version will spike at least 1 cpu 100% which will kill your performance on machines with low amount of cores.

    Also you can use the admin command /destroy_entity with a ship selected to delete it from the game, you might try doing that to the ships on the surface, as they are probably constantly colliding with it causing issues.