Structure and Weapon Groups

    Dec 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 9
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    The Problems:

    I've built a ship that has lots of things docked to it and lots of weapons strapped to the innards. One thing I noticed is that if I want to "launch" some Bobby Controlled fighters I have to 1. Remember the number it was given in the structure tab. 2. I can only launch them one at a time and have to hope I don't mess up and launch my torpedo ships instead. This can be both annoying and difficult to do effectively.

    As for weapons I can setup two AMC computers and have 2 lines of AMCs next to each other but as separate cannons due to being connected to each barrel being connected to different computers. I have used this effectively on bobby turrets as they can operate multiple computers at the same time. If I set up my ship like that on the other hand I am incapable of operating them. I would only be able to fire half my cannons if I tried to set them up like this as I cannot have two hot bar slots selected at one time.

    The Solution:

    For Both structures and weapon computers I think the solution is the same. Allow players to "group" computers systems together and structure systems together. For example say my bobby fighter ships are docked on 1, 2, 5, and 6. I could add those docks "undock" action to one of my hot bar slots. OR assign a group of AMC computers to a slot. This could also allow for grouping doors from the structure tab together as well.

    I think adding this would give more control over the operation of ships to the players. Upon making these groups there would likely need to be an option to name them. Some examples of naming could be: "Hanger Doors" "Forward Guns" "Rear Guns" "Turrets" "Fighter Docks" ect.