Strangely large lag

    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So, after some time of playing (Not duration of play, time of day it seems) my client starts to lag so largely that nothing can be done. Most recently, I was inside a ship when it happened. Other people could see the ship moving in perfect time, but I could not destroy anything when I shot at it and worse, I couldn't leave the ship! If I close the client and try to rejoin, it seems to join but nothing happens after that. Nothing renders and no objects are even created! An example is when I tried to join a server when I was previously on a planet, with a small ship next to me. Neither the ship or planet got rendered and I could simply float away from where the planet was instead of getting pulled by it's gravity, I also went next to where the ship should have been (I could see it's marker) and it even made the ship's core noise. But there was nothing to press R on. The only way I've been able to got this to work again is waiting until the next day or so to play again, but you can probably tell that I don't just want to play this great game at certain times of the day :P So anyone got anything to help? Thanks