Storage Tanks, Mineable Fluids/gas's and use's

    Jul 6, 2015
    Reaction score
    Hey Guys

    First: sorry for my horrible spelling (and grammar (and lack of sleep (blame StarMade)))

    Lets start at the first step

    Mining - 2 ideas

    "fluid" or "gas" nodes could be found on planets
    1. mineable blocks that can be put into a factory, the factory breaks it down and transfers it to a tank

    2. nodes that you can place down a block or blocks on top of it to "extract" the deposit transferring the gas to a linked tank

    this could open some interesting content for faction controlled worlds I think


    Raw "gas" could be refined by factory blocks, like connecting 2 or more tanks of raw gas into one factory block spitting out a useable "gas" also if thats too easy for the resource chain you could have the "refining factory block" use stacks of resource blocks as a <insert Sci-fi logic here>.

    As many things in wonderful StarMade, refining factory blocks could work better if they are linked in large clusters, then adding new clusters of factory blocks to connect to the main refining block needed per tier of refined gas.

    ex-sample Refining Setup:

    Tier 1 setup:
    Main refining factory block - 50 blocks
    input valves - 2 (one for each input tank)
    out-put vales - 3 (don't want the system to backup)

    Refined gas power - 1

    Tier 2 Setup:
    Main refining factory block - 150 blocks (to speed things up)
    Advanced <insert Sci-Fi logic here> blocks - 100 blocks (to bump up complexity )
    input valves - 3 (one for each input tank)
    out-put vales - 4 (really don't want the system to backup)

    Refined gas power - 3

    Tier 3 Setup:
    Well I'm certain you get the idea ;)

    of corse this adds new possibly's for station setups, huge faction refining station


    you could make it so units of gas are neat little tanks that fit into stacks in our inventory like capsules ...


    Muti-block structures!
    Tank controller block
    hull blocks or tank blocks
    valve block (maybe doubles as docking)
    View port block (if your feeling fancy and want to make some cool effect for the gas)
    docking block (moving it (towing) or installing it on ship/station)

    tanks could have there own hp, so under-fire they have a chance to rupture and "leak out" there contents, making building up your tanks with a lot of armor blocks a good idea (you don't want a enemy to pop it en route)

    tanks mass could be also affected by contents:
    amount of contents

    on top mass of construction blocks

    Smaller Tanks would be easyer to move like getting off-world - But lack hp/armor and storage max
    Larger Tanks would hold a lot more or take more hits - but you would have to fly your massive mother ship down and load the tank/tanks (fancy rails setup any-one?)

    tanks as muti-block setups I think would add to the challenge and need to build more and different types of ships/stations
    like you could pop the tank on the side of your ship...
    but what if you are attacked? when you overload the tank could break free or be shot free of your ship allowing a enemy to take off with it.

    or build a massive ship just to ship them <---(TeeHee).

    Shops could look at connected tanks so you could sell the contents, or sell it to your factions ally's from your station

    Tanks could be used for other things like plasma?

    and we hit the end of this very long idea..


    Gas (or fluid) could be used for high output reactors, engines, beef up shields ect.

    A idea is that gas could be used in say a gas reactor, witch could be smaller but have the output of a larger reactor.
    or by use of a gas injector block on your ship inject it into your engines to boost output, right click on the injector block in your hotbar to pull up a interface to set how much to inject per tick, then left click to turn on.

    Refined gas A could be used for reactors
    Refined gas B could be used for engines

    R gas A1 could burn hotter getting more out per tick or block cycle
    R gas A2 could cooler but last longer putting less stress on your ship

    putting too much A1 per tick into your ship could risk overload? or slowly damage system HP?
    To help balance it out so some established player dose-not rampage through a system, set a cool down on the injector?

    Tier 1 easy to make so you get a small boost to power for the strain
    Tier 2 harder and slower to make (needing more blocks and resources) more of a boost to power but with near the strain of tier 1

    if you say use ship system strain to chart
    Tier 1 - amount 100mb - power 1 - strain 1 per tick
    Tier 1 - amount 200mb - power 1.5 - strain 2 per tick
    Tier 2 - amount 100mb - power 3 - strain 1.3 per tick
    Tier 2 - amount 200mb - power 3.5 - strain 2.8 per tick
    strain could buildup then damage systems or just slowly system hp?

    Well that is it, I hope if nothing else its food for thought.
    I'm off to get some sleep... wait I was going to build a ship... but I am running low on hull, I better get mining!
    Last edited:
    May 23, 2015
    Reaction score
    I'm going to give this a little bump, I want to see what other people think about this. It sounds like an added layer of complexity, but it also sounds really fun