Storage block - Item space

    Jul 30, 2013
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    Hi, I would like to know if it is possible that the storage blocks, have an aditional option to "suction items from x to Y", I explain.

    Now, if you put that by default, the storage "sucks" 500 blocks, and there is only space for 250, the "suction" function does not work, because it does not fit "exactly" 500 blocks.

    Therefore, I propose to "add & modify" the suction function, if a storage block has capacity for 1000 blocks, and there are occupied 990, the suction block function calculates the remaining "quantity" to fill the storage block completely, and suction the block that allows to fill it completely.

    Why do I propose / ask this? because right now there is no way, to know when a storage block is "completely full" because of the above.

    A storage block could have an option that says, "sucks only X amount of items per tick" and another option that says "suck from 0 to X number of items per tick".

    That way, you can have more control over the amount of items that goes from one storage block to another.