Stop Planet Harvesting

    Jul 6, 2013
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    This is like if Mojang added an infinite TNT that went instantly into your inventory and also ate entire square kilometers of land. So, then Mojang nerfs it so that you don\'t get the stuff in your inventory anymore. The land is still able to be eaten for a kilometer. You\'ve solved one problem, not the other.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    People won\'t grief a planet for the sake of griefing a planet; if there is something worth griefing on the planet (such as, in your example, a manufacturing plant) then it should be protected by a faction module anyways. People can\'t use a build block in enemy faction territory, crisis averted. Hooray.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    CoolGamrSms\'s idea was very good, but ignored when you made you\'re analogy about TNT.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    No, it is infinite TNT, to use the minecraft term. 1000 blocks at once. Now, his idea was good, but there is a problem. Obviously we want to be able to make an underground bunker using build mode. That\'s fine. But I don\'t want a planet to be destroyed, even if it doesn\'t drop blocks. Somehow there needs to be a difference made. You mentioned that faction modules stop this, and I guess that\'s good enough to stop the Tribe and Empire example, but still, greifers could destroy random worlds they came across with almost no effort. But I do think CoolGamrSms has the simplest idea so far.


    First Citizen
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Simpler than a delay for actual effect made smaller by more bBlocks?
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Ideally, one wouldn\'t be able to place/use a build block on a planet if another faction\'s faction block is there. I believe that\'s how it works, and if not, that\'s how I\'d imagine it to work. In any case, that\'s a discussion for another thread.
    Jul 5, 2013
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    Why not make it only get rid of blocks placed by the player(s if its a multiplayer server). This way its helpful in building and making great big buildings, but it also gives the use back to scavenging lazers. Its a compromise because you can still build easily and do deletion of materials needed for construction, but also limits the amount of greifing/ harvesting available with the build block.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    block as a substitute for harvesting, is to require the player to pay for the removal of blocks that originally belonged to the planet because in the game\'s current alpha state, salvage cannons are far outclassed and so minute compared to the build block. This is the only fair method I can think up. Players are still able to edit a planet\'s/asteroid\'s blocks in a timely and efficient manner, without exploiting the system to get free minerals and/or credits, and are still able to use their own blocks without any cost applied to them. (I\'d suggest that blocks removed this way that originally belonged to the planet/asteroid not go into the player\'s inventory, but what does everyone else think?)
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Building blocks should have a type of limit on different things, this way it would make it were harvesting a planet via building blocks isn\'t possible but to build something can be done easly.


    Jun 27, 2013
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    This is not an issue of what\'s broken or not. Build Mode is designed to work this way. It\'s for use on planets so people can build structures easier. Or, they can harvest its materials that way. It\'s their choice. Having Build Mode not return minerals and valuables is ridiculous.

    So it\'s ridiculous because you use it yourself to get rich quick huh? Is it ridiculous that someone can pay a small amount to make 10 billion credits real fast?


    why not make the player pay to place a build block on the planet? The cost would be around 100,000 credits, which would stop newbies from just tearing up a planet the first time they would join a server, and then require the REMOVAL (Not placing) of blocks cost some energy. It wouldn\'t be much energy, but enough that you couldn\'t spam click away the world so quickly. If anyone put the effort into building a big enough energy generator to rapidly mine out the world, then good for them.

    Yea, 100k isn\'t hard to get at all and energy to use a build tool? Does it cost you energy to use your ship builder?


    The simplest solution (in my eyes) would be to add a 1-bit tag to each block as either natural or player-placed. If the player breaks a player-placed block, give it to them; if they break a natural block in build mode, don\'t give it to them. Simple and effective.

    Problem Solved.