Bug Sticking Direction Keys

    Mar 30, 2015
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Does anyone have a solution for "sticky" direction keys? As an example: I strafe left in my shift then try to strafe right and I end up standing still. If I let go of the strafe right key I continue strafing left. The only way to stop moving is to hit the strafe left key and then I am free to move again in the direction I wish. Seriously annoying to try and get any real work done. Please help.


    Oct 30, 2015
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    I have had intermittent glitches with my keyboard but not the one you describe. I asked a young and well informed sales rep at my local computer store for advice. This what I learned: not all keyboards are alike. Differences in contact-switches and the matrix layout can make some cheap keyboards unreliable. Better hardware may help. Yes, this sounds like a sale-pitch but I know enough about electronics to know that quality of parts and design can make a difference. I have had great keyboards that allow many simultaneous key inputs at once (PS/2) but I have also have crappy ones that fail to register simultaneous keystrokes reliably.

    He also spoke about potential buffer problems with cheap USB keyboards. Sharing the USB may lead to slight delays processing your key-strokes. He said that older PS/2 connections were not prone to this issue and suggested using an adapter for my USB keyboard.
    Sep 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Does anyone have a solution for "sticky" direction keys? As an example: I strafe left in my shift then try to strafe right and I end up standing still. If I let go of the strafe right key I continue strafing left. The only way to stop moving is to hit the strafe left key and then I am free to move again in the direction I wish. Seriously annoying to try and get any real work done. Please help.
    You could look up a keypress display program that shows your input on screen to see if the keyboard is sending the keystrokes. I have tried this one: The Software Chef » KeyPosé – Flavour your Screencasts with Shortcuts then scanned with avast and spybot before using it.