State of the game and necessary changes.

    Nov 3, 2014
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    You sure that you have enough enhancers in the turret body? Otherwise the server's mass enhancer configs must be messed up...
    i did add another 125 enhancers seemed to work then recalculated and i really guess the mass changes for the blocks threw my finished turrets off oh well i wanted to make some improovements anyway.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    What I want is some type of story or "boss" per say. Kinda like the ender dragon. Maybe another race of npc ships with unavailable alien technology (like plasma shots with a acid effect) . Multiple alien races would be nice to add some politics into the game someday.

    The ability to remote fly drones or fighters from a carrier would be fantastic.

    Disintegratiors needs some punch. It would make a nice limited ammo weapon that can be sabotaged.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    - mass enhancers i just checked that out yesterday we are at >triple the amount of blocks of the old docking system to keep a turret moving you must be kidding us! Seriously it gets worse with every patch! soon the amount of massenhancers is going to be bigger than the turret to keep it moving what the hell is wrong with you guys?! (ok maybe this change came to be because of the change of armor weighthing more and systems less and thus the values for my turrests changed. anyway, it is ludicrus.)
    Well, good... Turrets used to be fairly OP, and with them no longer needing shields this would be a lot worse now. They're basically the main thing that breaks the balance between smaller and larger ships (besides the lack of thrust systems) and if it's hard to make big ones turn fast, then.. well, good, IMO.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    OP i agree with you on everything you said except for the mass enhancer issue. you really dont need that many imo to make a turret work (unless you're trying to use some giant 100m titan turret (the turret is 100m), in which case i am 100% fine with it.
    ive got a 20k mass destroyer and i only need like a few dozen blocks for each of my 350-mass turrets. its no big deal.
    Nov 3, 2014
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    OP i agree with you on everything you said except for the mass enhancer issue. you really dont need that many imo to make a turret work (unless you're trying to use some giant 100m titan turret (the turret is 100m), in which case i am 100% fine with it.
    ive got a 20k mass destroyer and i only need like a few dozen blocks for each of my 350-mass turrets. its no big deal.
    TY yeah i figured recent mass changes threw me off on my turrets i wanted to make better ones anyway so no big deal, still the ai has to improove


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    OP i agree with you on everything you said except for the mass enhancer issue. you really dont need that many imo to make a turret work (unless you're trying to use some giant 100m titan turret (the turret is 100m), in which case i am 100% fine with it.
    ive got a 20k mass destroyer and i only need like a few dozen blocks for each of my 350-mass turrets. its no big deal.
    You DON'T need that many enhancers, OP was just doing it wrong.
    Nov 3, 2014
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    You DON'T need that many enhancers, OP was just doing it wrong.
    which leaves my other critics still valid ; ) i just would wish they would focus more on fixing these instead of fauna or shipyards. don'T get me wrong i am excited about these but oh man would i wish we could build and operate extendable/moveable airlocks to dock between ships
    Apr 25, 2015
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    I too have never had UP work for me, and I get tossed into stuff alla time, ragequitting after having to burn my way out of my ship to avoid losing an arseload of cash to suicide
    Dec 10, 2014
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    I too have never had UP work for me, and I get tossed into stuff alla time, ragequitting after having to burn my way out of my ship to avoid losing an arseload of cash to suicide
    How do you design your cockpits?
    Just having a 3x3x3 zone above the ship core has completely solved this issue for me, even while moving.

    I would certainly prefer it if I'd just reappear at the relative location I activated the core from, but it hasn't been a big deal since I changed my universal cockpit design.
    Also you can activate a gravity unit while in Build mode, and it'll remain ON when you leave the core, might help a bit.
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    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    I just sit in a chair before entering my core, solves everything.
    Apr 25, 2015
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    How do you design your cockpits?
    Just having a 3x3x3 zone above the ship core has completely solved this issue for me, even while moving.

    I would certainly prefer it if I'd just reappear at the relative location I activated the core from, but it hasn't been a big deal since I changed my universal cockpit design.
    Also you can activate a gravity unit while in Build mode, and it'll remain ON when you leave the core, might help a bit.
    Its not my ship core that I end up burning my way out of my big ships for, its small shuttles and turrets being placed on ships and stations, for which "cockpits" are not possible of course. And Build blocks on stations ... I've had tp place build blocks 3 blocks up on a post to prevent getting tossed into a wall or floor.

    I agree, it would be preferable if they made it so you appeared in the spot you left, we now respawn on ships that have moved, why can't they do this and eliminate an ongoing issue that keeps reappearing in threads over and over???

    </ragemode off>
    Jan 1, 2015
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    With regard to respawning, it is not just for controlled circumstances where you log off. Yes, if you are going to deliberately log off, do the appropriate thing like sit or whatever to ensure you will respawn painlessly. However, just yesterday, my server crashed several times while I was working on things and every time when I came back, I had to burn my way out of things. On one occasion doing so I inadvertently dislodged a docked reactor inside a ship and effectively ruined the ship.
    Jun 16, 2014
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    with poor documentation, massive changes to systems and the miscalculation error mass enhancers had when first introduced (which i have never seen a post on when they were "fixed") i learned to just turn off the need for mass enhancers. I tend to work with capital ship builds ALOT and mass enhancers have been nothing but a design and function roadblock


    Algorithm of hacks
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Fauna and flora will fix starmade :p jokes aside
    I know the dev team will always find a way to fix it and make it better, it just takes a lot of time and testing.
    Nov 3, 2014
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    My ~4.5k mass turrets require around 1250 enhancer blocks to work. I have 12 on my ship. This means that I need 1250 enhancers to move 540,000 blocks worth of turrets. Is that really so bad? Even if I was only using a single turret the mass fraction is pretty negligeable considering that I gain much better firing angles out of it.

    I'd personally increase the mass that each enhancer contributes to, but I can live with the current values.
    I am wondering is that intended that these 1250 enhancers are supposed to move multiples of the weight they were layed out for? or is this subject to change so thatsoon as soon as one turret requires the 1250 enhancers the others won't be able to tap the power to also move fast and will keep crawling untill you setup like enough enhancers for all 12 of them? a devs response on this matter would be appreciated.
    I have built these before. What's the problem?
    that from the ships bridge you can not get the camera view of a docked entity (in order to dock, to actually have a chance of hitting the raildocker from a bridge about 100 blocks away...) and while in a docked entity to spot where you are aiming your beam at you are not able to control the ships movement in order to be able to aim at the raildocker like fly that titan 50 more blocks up because up there is the udp of the station.