Starship Core TYPES / and specialties

    Sep 2, 2013
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    Thanks guys alot of your ideas are much better than I could have ever thought, Everyone make sure you read all other comments in this thread there are some real good ones in here.

    Tell me what you guys think Instead of having 1 type of control core for all ships of all sizes...

    We make a variaty of about 8 or so with limits on the ships max stats.

    By stats I mean a max on shields weapons and power blocks that the ship core can handle

    for example


    1)Noncombat ship core - +2 turrets / max shields 50/ max power 75 / max engines 50

    can equipe all special tools (salvage/ repair/pulse/ect ect ect)

    2)Turret Core - max weapons 20 blocks / max shields 10 block / power 5 blocks / NO ENGINES

    3)Fighter Core - max weapons 20 block / max shields 5-10 blocks / max power gen blocks 5-10 / max engine 8 / Max speed 125% --- Special / Increased damage with dumbfire missiles 50%

    4)Frigate Core- max weapons 30 + 2 turrets / Shields 75 blocks / power 50 / engines 20 / Max speed 100% --- Special / faster acceleration 50%

    5)Cruiser Core- max weapons 100 + 4 turrets / Shields 150 / power 75 / engines 30 / speed 80%

    --- Special / can equipe repair/energy beams

    6)Battleship (light carrier)- weapons 125 +6 turrets +4 docks / shields 250 /power 150 / engines 50 / speed 70% --- Special / shields regen faster in combat than normal ships

    7) Capital Dreadnought - weapons 300 + 10 turrets + 4 docks / shields 500 / power 300 / engines 100

    speed 50% --- Special / can equipe 2 more turrets at expence of the 4 docks

    8) Capital Carrier - weapons 150 + 8 turrets + 12 docks / shields 400 / power 200 / engines 80 / speed 60% --- Special / can equipe 1 Spawn block ( only works when sitting still completely with enough room to spawn arounds it)



    9) Flagship core - no limits at all speed is set to 30%

    PLEASE these numbers are all open to discussion i just think that 1 block that does it all is just a bit bland...



    Turret core varrients maby?

    possible max mass or demensions for smaller ships and turrets?
    Aug 14, 2013
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    No, why oh why would you want to enforce such limitations on a sandbox game?!

    The beauty of Starmade is to build whatever you want.

    Turrets with no engines? how exactly do you maneuver them into position before mounting. Also all the turret numbers are so low and this forces people inter really restricted classes.

    I do feel a way to discourage gigantism is needed but this really isn\'t it.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    are you a bit daft son? your taking away things we can do.
    Sep 2, 2013
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    i like some realism in my sandbox :)

    mounting a turret on a tank is a huge job, even more on a battleship on earth, why not in space?

    but i understand your point that a limitation on the freedom of the game will suck

    editing for a flagship core with no limits (im trying to make factions and fleets of ships have a purpose)
    Aug 14, 2013
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    I don\'t build my turrets with engines but I still slap a couple down when I need to move it into position to dock. As for difficulty to mount turrets, it\'s in space and it\'s a game, we already have to have mounts and extenders. While I personally don\'t like how some people just slap rows of turrets on every flat surface their ship has I\'m certainly not going to suggest something that makes them stop... well other than turrets actually needing line of site in order to function.

    There is no molds in the game and there really shouldn\'t be. I hope that we will need shipyards to build ships and that will reduce the number of huge ships, players will have to rely more on smaller ships and larger ones wouldn\'t be trusted to everybody, therefore a factions fleet would be more balanced and with purpose.

    If there was a reason for adding different cores it would have to be balanced system and not just purely limitations, caps, and build ceilings. Like a fighter core would have +10 speed but would trade off something else like HP. Battleship cores could have higher resistance, and maybe give a bonus to shields but at a reduced top speed and acceleration. Just placing caps on them makes the entire system undesirable. I still don\'t support the addition of different cores but it could be interesting if there was actually a reason to use different cores.... but that system would probably be better suited for a separate module and not built into cores.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I prefer modules-requirements (like CPU) over core restrictions too.

    But maybe we could get bigger (more expensive) versions of blocks (a 2x2x2 or 5x5x5 block) to reduce lag from large ships ;)
    Dec 3, 2013
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    I was about to make a suggestion of something similar actually, I was thinking about it last night and quickly realise that it would be met with resistance unless it was given some exceptions.

    So trying not to spam a new thread I\'ll add my take on here and allow players to weigh the pros and cons for themselves.

    I think we should have multiple ships cores each not with a specialisation but with a classification / size of ship in mind. At the minute I see a lot of inconsistences with how people are building and classifying their creations and I also see a serious performance issues with the lack of upper limit size restriction. A player and rightly so should be able to build effectively a multi-sector spanning starship... I have no problem with that, what I have a problem with is the lack of promoting players to build something other than that and use it in combat.

    What I\'d like to see is a series of ever increasing expensive cores that offer players the ability to build bigger and bigger ships while increasing the cost to do so exponetially. The cores themselves would also gain additional protection to represent that they are different to that of a smaller ship core and have been created to host a much larger creation.

    For example (just made up figures);

    Core Type
    Core Max Ship Blocks
    Core Cost / HP

    1000 (Just for example)
    1000 CR / 1000 HP

    2000 (Just for example)
    10000 CR / 1500 HP

    This means that a ship\'s core specification identifies the size of the ship you are building, this wouldn\'t mean you can\'t build your ridiculous size ships it just means that you would using a particular type of core to do some. There is also a reason why you might want to do it this way as well, at the minute, there is no difference between the core of a 2 block ship and a 2,000,000 block ship, I think this is silly, a ship that has 2,000,000 blocks should have a core that as a much higher HP to it and take longer to overheat, simply because is handling the systems for a massive ship.

    Another thing to consider is that at the minute without actually looking there is currently no way for us to know how \"big\" a ship is when looking in the navigation window (I assume I\'m not the only one missing a scanner here). Having cores that identify intended mass helps future implementation of scanner / sensor systems. It also means a very quick implementation could be done in regards to the navigation window with ships being prefixed with a (FR) for fighter (FG) for frigate to alert players what size ships are around. Helps them 2 block ships to avoid the 2,000,000 block titans :D.

    The cost increase curve would also make it more managable for server owners to limit the spamming of multiple silly size creations and also help promote smaller creation (which are just as fun), simply due to the cost of the cores. If a 1,000,000 block ships core cost 10,000,000,000 (again just an example) you\'d be much more incline as a player to be conservative with what you spawn onto a server.

    For the case of free sized creations, we obviously still need to allow this, a core with no type, no restriction, but also some penalties is needed. These penalties are symbolic of the lack of planning on the part of the designer. A free sized core would have no build restrictions, but would have a limited amount HP for the core unlike the class cores and also add a XX% penalty to all effectiveness of systems implemented on the core i.e. engine speed, shield power.

    Overall I think this would help a lot of players feel that there is a structure to ship building with a nature progress of size to their creations, it helps implement a sense of scalability and affordability to creations and a levelling sense to single player games and multiplayer a like.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Keep our current core as it is, and add specialized cores that add perks but is optimized for a certain size. These could be boosts (percentage-wise) or they could be special abilities. In addition, penalties are needed to balance these. One of these could be an adjust to the energy regen soft cap (the point where the box size of reactors no longer matters.

    For example, a fighter core gives a bonus to thrust, but has a very low regen soft cap. A turret core gives a bonus to turning rate, but at the cost of thrust. A frigate core could give a perk of turret shielding, again at a lower regen soft cap. A stealh core could boost regen, but at the cost of weapons damage. Titan core could give higher regen soft cap but at the cost of thrust. Carrier core could give bubble sheilding, at the cost of short-range weapon damage.

    For numbers, I would estimate the bonuses to be about 20% and the penalties to be about 50% (not for energy regen though.) And the penaties would also apply to turrets attached to the ship.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I don\'t want to have to pick with buff and nerf to go along with my ship. I can\'t have an all-around good ship anymore because I would have to have a buff and nerf. There can\'t be a core for every desired effect. Ships should be customizable to suit their needs and role. I think that ship customization should be similar to what you can do currently with weapons. Increase one system but adversely affects one or two others slightly, but noticeable.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Perhaps remove the buff/nerf from the core, put into a module with that perk, only one type of those per ship?
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I never know what I\'m building when I start building. I like to see how it goes. This would limit creativity. Don\'t add.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    An AI module could be the slowest core unit. A core could allow for bigger, but you still need an AI module for AI ships.

    Personally, I want viable cloak+jam + 3:1-5:1 thrust scouts which fit into a 5x5x5 box, just because you don\'t need a titan to have them in your hangar.

    We could also make the main module a chair where the player can sit on, use water or plexi-glass for a screen which renders the picture of cameras and make keyboard commands dpenedend on which console the player is sitting.

    Imagine yourself having only 1 weapon CPU, 1 docking beam and basic thrust controls while on your main chair, but more advanced commands at your weapon console. I think that enables longer fights for big ships and add some player-skill part - and unique cockpit, while in bigger ships - to the game.

    • gravity would need to affect you instantly when you leave your chair.

    For larger main blocks, I prefer linking these. Not only link same blocks, but all command_blocks - main core, ai, etc.
    Dec 31, 2013
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    Jun 20, 2013
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    Interesting idea. I could write a very lengthy post describing my opinion on it, but I think this video articulates my thoughts pretty well.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I meant, your core would actually be a command room which you can design how you want it to be.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I meant, your core would actually be replaced by a command room which you can design how you want it to be.
    Jan 7, 2014
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    I feel it\'d be more sensible to have a \"core enhancer\" or something that you have to add every # blocks to increase the supported size of a ship. Having a big core for a big ship would make sense.