Starmade Wrapper - A starmade server management tool

    Jun 20, 2013
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    StarmadeWrapper is a wrapper utility for the starmade server. It adds command, and scripting, functionality to your server.

    Updates (All updates available at


    1. Refer to "How to start"
    2. Stop server (type "stop" in console and click ender)
    3. Open "config.yml"
    4. Change settings accordingly


    1. !addwarp (faction name or "all" for all users) (x) (y) (z) (x) (y) (z): Add a warp that links to sectors together (Admin Only)
    2. !claim: Claim rewards for a user after they have voted for on
    3. !delwarp (x) (y) (z): Delete all warps that connect to (x) (y) (z)
    4. !setfactionowner (user) (faction name): Set the owner of a faction to allow them to permit users to use their warp-gates
    5. !help: Get help info for a user
    6. !location: Get the location as last reported to StarmadeWrapper
    7. !permit (user): Permit (user) to use any warp-gates owned by your faction
    8. !reload: Reload all of the commands, and scripts, registered to the server. (Admin Only)
    9. !stuck: Teleports the sender to spawn
    10. !tp (x) (y) (z): Sends the command sender to sector (x) (y) (z)
    11. !warp: Warps the sender to the other end of a warp sector (Only works in a sector added as a warp)

    How to find more builds:

    1. Go to

    How to start:

    1. Unzip this into a directory
    2. Run the script file for your OS

      On windows run "windows-start.bat"
    3. On linux run ""

    [*]Wait for the server to start
    [*]Stop the server, edit the configs to your liking.
    [*]Redo step number 2 to start the server again.

    How to use scripts:

    1. Learn how to use the scripting API

      Learn how to use Sleep from
    2. Download and read all of the information within this script:

    [*]Create a file in the scripts directory named the same thing you would like the command to be and an extension of ".sl" (e.x. If you would like to create a ("!test" command, create a file called "")
    [*]Restart the server, or run the "!reload" command in game, so that the wrapper loads your newly created script

    How to get in touch:

    1. Connect to and join #gravypod
    2. Email me at gravypod [at] gravypod com

    Good to know info:

    1. Yes, I do like feature requests and bug reports
    2. Yes, I can work with you if you are a hosting company to get this working with your setup
    3. No, I am not breaking the TOS of starmade


    1. Java 7 may be required

    Libraries used & packaged within the jar:

    1. Sleep ( )
    2. YamlBeans ( )
    3. Json-Simple ( )


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    You would think this kind of functionality was built into the game, buuut nope. I hope this sort of thing gets added to the vanilla game eventually
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I hope people like the scripting language used in this. I feel it is a much better alternative to lua.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    This thread isn\'t getting the attention it deserves, a bump is in order.


    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    And you are definitely not breaking the TOS, we encourage the community to do exactly what you do +1
    Feb 4, 2013
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    Whaaaa? Java support for perl?!?! I am definitely downloading this to try out.

    Perl-esque, technically but whatever..


    Dec 31, 2013
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    !addwarp (faction name or \"all\" for all users) (x) (y) (z) (x) (y) (z): Add a warp that links to sectors together (Admin Only)


    It would be cool if servers could choose every user can make 4 (or any other number) gates for his faction. And the leader 10, only activate 1 each 4 hours - spam protection - or just over certain distance (5 sectors or what the server wants).

    !delwarp (x) (y) (z): Delete all warps that connect to (x) (y) (z)

    It should accept 6 parameters as well. For the case you want to link a sector to 3 others and this also to 3 others and then break the link because \"the gate\" got killed.

    Is there no !listwarps command?

    !help: Get help info for a user

    Does this not work via pm? I guess It could spam the chat.

    !location: Get the location as last reported to StarmadeWrapper

    Location of a player, a ship?

    !permit (user): Permit (user) to use any warp-gates owned by your faction

    Would be cool if gates could be given ranks or \"roles\", so only users of that role can use it.

    !stuck: Teleports the sender to spawn

    On some server we used 123455 0 0 as creative area with give_all_items. It would be cool if the tool could trap someone in a sector (because of shops) until he explicitely says he wanna get back to spawn.

    Automatically backup or at least a give_all_items + trap in a sector - or delete_inventory and tp back to spawn- would be a nice addon to it.

    !tp (x) (y) (z): Sends the command sender to sector (x) (y) (z)

    /tp (with slash) teleports a player towards you. /change_sector is the admin command for this. I suggest to use !cs or !goto instead.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Easy, fast, simple to learn; perl-style stuff has always been nice to work with.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • \"It would be cool if servers could choose every user can make 4 (or any other number) gates for his faction. And the leader 10, only activate 1 each 4 hours - spam protection - or just over certain distance (5 sectors or what the server wants).\"

      This would be a nice idea. I want to, first, get the warps woring in such a way that you do not need to create \"fake\" factions. I would love to just use the faction IDs of players. I will look into more stuff like this, as well as the ability for server owners to create donor-only command, as I work with the code

    [*]\"It should accept 6 parameters as well. For the case you want to link a sector to 3 others and this also to 3 others and then break the link because \"the gate\" got killed.\"

    • Adding a 6 argument version does sound as a good idea. That will most likely happen next release.

    [*]\"Is there no !listwarps command?\"

    • Not at this time, no. I have been experimenting with getting chat messages to work better and PMs from the StarmadeWrapper to work better first.

    [*]\"Does this not work via pm? I guess It could spam the chat.\"

    • Yes, all of the command responces are sent via PMs

    [*]\"Location of a player, a ship?\"

    • A player location, although it may be inaccurate. There is no location information sent for when the play logs into the server, so the StarmadeWrapper assumes you start at (2, 2, 2).

    [*]\"Would be cool if gates could be given ranks or \"roles\", so only users of that role can use it.\"

    • A permission system is planned. If you look at my minecraft mod, AllAdmin, you can see a projection of many of the features you should come to expect.

    [*]\"On some server we used 123455 0 0 as creative area with give_all_items. It would be cool if the tool could trap someone in a sector (because of shops) until he explicitely says he wanna get back to spawn.Automatically backup or at least a give_all_items + trap in a sector - or delete_inventory and tp back to spawn- would be a nice addon to it.\"

    • ?This seems like a good feature to implement in a script. I will soon be making a site where users can share scripts that they have created (much like bukkit\'s dev.bukkit site, except with less oligarchical oversight).

    [*]?\"/tp (with slash) teleports a player towards you. /change_sector is the admin command for this. I suggest to use !cs or !goto instead.\"

    • The commands name is fairly easy to change, I think I will just adapt the change sector command to do intra- and inter-sector teleports as well as teleporting to people. So \"!tp (username)\" TPs you to (user), \"!tp 0.1 0.9 0.99\" tps you within the sector, and \"!tp 1 1 1\" tps you to sector (1, 1, 1)

    I hope that clears some stuff up.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Im having a bit of a problem with the wrapper and the warp gates.

    I initialised the server, set myself up as admin, restarted the server and then attempted to enter \"!addwarp all 3 3 3 5 5 5\" into the chat, and it returns the error \"One of the numbers input was unable tp be parsed! Check your arguments\" Any help on what i have done wrong?

    My thinking is that it may have something to do with the fact that no warp.yml file was created by the wrapper on startup....
    Jun 20, 2013
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    That should not have effected the functionality of the wrapper.

    A few questions:

    1. What OS are you on?
    2. Does the user you are runnning the wrapper under have the ability to read and write to the files?
    3. Is there anything prineted out the the console?
    Jun 23, 2013
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    The OS is windows, but I will be putting it onto a Linux server

    Yes, at the moment im just running it off of my home computer so permissions arent an issue

    Nothing is being printed to the wrapper console, no.

    All I did was follow the instructions included in the readme, ran the windows-start, waited for the server to start then restarted it, and then hopped on. All the other commands work as far as I can tell, its just that one
    Jun 20, 2013
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    That is strange, I am looking at the code now to determin the problem.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Great work with this dude! I have no clue how I would have gone about getting warp gates and voting rewards into the windoom server if this hadnt been pointed out to me, its a great bit of code and you certainly diserve more attention for this! :)
    Jun 20, 2013
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    This version fixes the \"!addwarp\" problem people have been having.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    - Fix tp command when no arguments are given except for a trailing space
    - Fix delwarp command
    - Fix permit to handle incorrect arguments
    - Improve concurrency while writing to stdin of starmade