Starmade Ultra Hardcore

    Jun 29, 2013
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    I have now played Starmade for a few months but on nearly every server(even when laballed "hardcore"), I have enough money to build anything I want within a few hours. Over the last few months, I saw a few servers which made the game actually hard and challenging and at the start, it took you quite some time to get a large ship.

    Therefore, I decided to edit the config files a bit myself in order to recreate this more chalenging experience. O far, I only changed the shop prices to get rid of the usual economy exploits(like ice planet rocks, plex glass...) and also made that there is only 1 shop(to make that you can't get rich by buying low and selling high). To make it more challenging, most ship parts are also quite expensive(5K plus for most).

    Here is the blockconfig.xml and the server.cfg. For the shop price changes to work, you simply have to replace the blockconfig file but to make that there is only 1 shop, you have to reset the universe.



    Update Log:

    • 09.19.2013: Changed refund for recipes to 0(for future custom recipes as else they would be exploitable), Projectile Velocity Multiplitier set to 1.5(so targeting missiles would hit you eventually),disabled upload from local blueprints and set AI accuracy to 300(so on close range, these AIs will be challenging at the start)

    I will probably also continue working on this and add the following:

    • Remove cubatom recipes for certain blocks(Right now getting money using them is easy and I know this is possible but not how, if someone could tell me it would be nice)
    • Add custom recipes(This will make the whole mode easier but just like at removing cubatoms, idk how, just that it is possible
    • Design custom AIs for this(I would advise to play it with custom enemies as the Isanth are just too easy)

    Most of the settings are also fit for servers so if you want to use it for a multiplayer server, they should be good(though you can change them as you want)
    May 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    Should be fairly simple - make all (or most) blocks split into heavy , superconductive , plasma , superspin cubatoms and change whichever recipe that requires all of those. This should be straightforward , if slightly time-intensive manual editing of the blockconfig.xml.
    Sep 16, 2013
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    Removing AI modules or making them extremely hard to get might help make the server more hardcore. It would force players to work together if they wanted to have turrets. If 1 guy can buy a giant ship with a million turrets, there\'s little incentive to work together.
    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    yes but it would still not stop someone from creating quite quickly 255 faction modules or another expensice block...this is why I would like to remove cubatoms for all ship parts besides hull completely.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Could do that...though when using this for a server, I would advise turning blueprints off(to both encourage to build own ships and use factory and to avoid people to spawn giant ships they sometimes didn\'t even build themselve or blocks of rare items.
    May 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    If you set all blocks to split down into a bottom right corner cubatom , they will be of no use due to refining rules - you just have to make block recipes require cubatoms in the top left. Cubatoms produced from splitting are completely different from those required to craft blocks.
    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    oh ok..will do this then when I have time(though I may also check if there is an easier solution)