Starmade: State of development

    Aug 3, 2013
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    Starmade isn't the program you coded back in your nerd basement anymore!
    Its been going on strong for what, a good few years now? look at how far we've come! this game has matured. It has gone from being a glitch riddled block space builder program, (lets face it back then, calling it a game, wasn't really an apt description), to this massive sprawling open universe sandbox we're all now having a blast digging in.

    so much has gone down this last year alone. we've got a new website, with it a growing if not quite as matured, community of players. we have seen the game evolve from a block builder to a full on universe full of simulated planet systems and even some new surprises or two to go and find.

    i think its time we start maturing, a bit about how we look at this game in its current state of development, as well. I'm not by any means telling Scheema how to build his game. it not my place to do so. but what i am doing is trying to show him our point of view on what it is, and what we feel it could be. He already know his side of it. he knows what he wants it to be. But if we do not tell him what we want, he cant make it happen.

    to get things started, the game in general does need some bug fixes, that's a given. but that is not what he needs to hear about systems are in place to address those. what he needs to know is what we are trying to set as priorities for us to enjoy playing HIS GAME.

    priorities are things we would like to have happen sooner rather than later. and our are obviously different from what he considers PRIORITY. It's time to set some new goals since the game has already achieved many of what he set to do a long while back. again I'm not telling him how to make his game just letting him know what we want out of it.

    there are other threads already on a plethora of topics that make these certain priorities a whole lot more obvious, and with their permission I will link them to this thread if allowed to. but for now i simply will let my rant go on the first two and most prevalent ones.

    one priority that's been popping up for a while is Control Chairs. this needs to happen and do so soon. the new dev blog post about the Artwork redesign and UI seems kinda lackluster, when this has been put off, and put off, and excuses made for putting off, then putt off again, and flat out ignored, forever. the cycle needs to end NOW!

    But that is just one of many. another thing that need addressing is the Docking. It's one of my personal pet peeves with the game. It works for small ships fine, but massive ships just get ludicrous to try and park with this damn system. you cant make ships face the way you want them to, it always has to face one way, in the one and only allowed alignment, and fuck you if you don't agree. that needs to change, and do it soon.
    Jan 18, 2015
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    For me personally, since jump drives are hard coded at 8 sectors, and warp gates are heinously expensive, there needs to be an autopilot/throttle control.

    I also agree with the need for control chairs, getting away form the core as the cockpit.

    For me right now, the scale of movement options isn't right for the scale of even an individual galaxy. Half a system isn't enough for the jump drives IMHO. with the base speed at 75, exploring new areas is a painful task.


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    For me personally, since jump drives are hard coded at 8 sectors...
    Not hard coded :). Their jump distances ( for both jump drives and warpgates) are configurable in the blockBehaviorConfig.xml. If you play single player, just open the xml files and edit the value <DistanceInSectors> under the <JumpDrive> section.

    Most large servers i've played on have edited this to their own liking too.

    i think its time we start maturing...,
    ...and fuck you if you don't agree. that needs to change, and do it soon.
    Jan 18, 2015
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    Thanks for that note, does it propagate automatically if you modify it server side? or am I going to have to share the modded XML with the rest of the server manually?
    Aug 3, 2013
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    you got me for being a bit immature there, but its like a pink elephant, nobody looks at the damn thing unless they are drunk off their ass. and the only way I get my point across is by being drunkenly blunt. it needs to change. period!

    putting that aside I recently found a thread someone wants to put up about the control chair issue. and well, I really do need to say its the most sensible and mature solution that has been presented to date.

    its not the first time its been suggested in this way, but it is the clearest and well worded method by far.

    the way this guy puts the issue is by far the most logical solution, and he puts it across in a way we all get exactly what needs to happen to make it work, its a lot like when someone posted the dodecahedron planets, this guy knows what hes talking about.
    Last edited:
    Apr 3, 2013
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    you got me for being a bit immature there, but its like a pink elephant, nobody looks at the damn thing unless they are drunk off their ass. and the only way I get my point across is by being drunkenly blunt. it needs to change. period!

    putting that aside I recently found a thread someone wants to put up about the control chair issue. and well, I really do need to say its the most sensible and mature solution that has been presented to date.

    its not the first time its been suggested in this way, but it is the clearest and well worded method by far.

    the way this guy puts the issue is by far the most logical solution, and he puts it across in a way we all get exactly what needs to happen to make it work, its a lot like when someone posted the dodecahedron planets, this guy knows what hes talking about.
    Word of advice, focusing so much on "mature" or "immature" is an immature thing to do. Maturity has nothing to do with anything you've said in this thread, you're just throwing the words around in a bid for legitimacy. While things like cruise control and control chairs are nice ideas and will be implemented eventually, they are by no means top of the totem pole. I'd rather have functional shipyards than cruise control, to be honest. I'd rather have rails than control chairs. But regardless, stop using the word "mature" as some kind of weapon to validate your opinions, as it has the exact opposite effect.
    Dec 28, 2014
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    priorities are things we would like to have happen sooner rather than later. and our are obviously different from what he considers PRIORITY. It's time to set some new goals since the game has already achieved many of what he set to do a long while back. again I'm not telling him how to make his game just letting him know what we want out of it.
    just my .02, but what you listed isn't necessarily what others would consider a priority. I would much rather have a more fleshed out AI/game world and no more invisible phasing missiles for example than control chairs and a docking revamp (though being able to dock my ship somewhere besides home base would be grand) It all kind of varies depending on your playstyle


    Space Triangle Builder
    Jan 12, 2014
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    What we learned from this thread:

    There is no such thing as a *top priority community issue.*
    It's either an emergency or someone is pulling your leg.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    But that is just one of many. another thing that need addressing is the Docking. It's one of my personal pet peeves with the game. It works for small ships fine, but massive ships just get ludicrous to try and park with this damn system. you cant make ships face the way you want them to, it always has to face one way, in the one and only allowed alignment.
    A recent news post stated the docking system would be changed drastically after the GUI update finishes, IIRC it was one of the last 2 news posts.


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Thanks for that note, does it propagate automatically if you modify it server side? or am I going to have to share the modded XML with the rest of the server manually?
    It should propagate if modified serverside. You can also change max ship speed in server.cfg (150 - 300 seems to be a common favourite).