StarMade PiratePedia site source code

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Today I would like to talk to you guys about yet another project that I Have been working on first for the GenXnova server as it was an overwhelming need, and then as I got the project near completion I realized that this type of structure might also benefit the rest of the star made community.

    Well it’s a good thing I was taught to always write any code source I work on cleanly so that it can easily be polished off for any more expansive development or more wide spread uses.

    I started working on a simple pirate ship wiki for the GenXnova server that sum up all our needs without being bulky with any standard open source wiki php codes out there.

    Now I know some of you might be thinking ok here is Bobby off on a tangent of some long drawn out idea that may or not ever come to pass, but this one is already up and in its first round of alpha testing for the GenXnova server.

    What this thing does is give us as a server owner a great place to start to list out all the pirate ships that are or were or ever will be on the server and start to list them for their lore and their stats along with in game screenshots to help the players on the server to be able to follow along on what is shooting at them in game.

    How this helps us is the added view count rate system and comment system that doesn’t require any account to take part in is a wonderful way for a server to figure out what pirates are great and what ones just need ot be removed and are not of any interest to the players themselves.

    Now what I intend to do and this might still take me a few months to get up and going is to polish this off, and offer the site php code here for you guys on to get in on it and have a good server wiki of your own.

    This source has huge application value as you can also get your players to add their own ships, and many other ways this site code could benefit a server’s support ability.

    The source code has well expanded admin control panel with tons of features everything from how many pics per entry and how big each image is allowed to be, to approving comments and removing unwanted spam. Also the whole site code is manageable to edit each post and add and remove pics from any entry. It even allows for reset of entry views and rates.

    This source does use MySQL but does not require any users to make an account to use it or take part in it.

    Here is a screenshot of one of the pirate entities on our “PiratePedia”

    I plan to expand on this and to make it more in depth as time passes but it may still take me a few months to get this polished to offer as a download. I just thought yet again I would see what others thought before I go through all the effort to prep something that wont ever amount to anything do to lack of interest. At this point in my development lists I have to be picky about what I spend most of my time on for some reason there is only 24 hours in a day and I can't seem to write in more time in there no matter how much I try to code it.

    All I can do for now is see where the interests are and plan to do something more with this if the need is there.

    Thanks all who take the time to read my blocks of text.

    Bobbybighoof, management team leader
    Apr 21, 2013
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    This is so brilliant I'm surprised nobody else has done it yet. Great work!
    Jun 20, 2013
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    awesome! good way to keep track of the ai and make lore for pirate factions.
    Aug 30, 2013
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    This is so brilliant I'm surprised nobody else has done it yet. Great work!
    Yeah I know what you mean about being suppressed, but I have found that if you ever want things done and done right you have to do them yourself. lol sorry its that being person who does talking there.

    Thanks for the replay and the show of support :)

    awesome! good way to keep track of the ai and make lore for pirate factions.
    The ability and options are endless the downloads for the ships can be added to the entity posts as well, but we will get into that in a later talk lol. Thanks for the replay and the show of support :)
    Oct 16, 2013
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    Update to added features and plans.

    separate language file for multi lang support.
    admin control of all aspects of any entry / entity for image control thread editing, and viewcount.
    added smarty type layout to make templates easy to manage over all html and css.

    need to set up gethub so that updates can be more easy to manage.
    need to start community content post with pre alpha file set for download
    Aug 18, 2013
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    Why not show a thumbnail for each thing, when looking at the category? You know, starmade-dock-like...
    Also, just having thumbnails is not a good idea, I think Why not have the thumbnails clickable to toggle a shadowbox?
    Aug 30, 2013
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    Why not show a thumbnail for each thing, when looking at the category? You know, starmade-dock-like...
    Also, just having thumbnails is not a good idea, I think Why not have the thumbnails clickable to toggle a shadowbox?
    It is np to advance the development. I will be setting up a github for it so that the entire code is transparent, and everyone can contribute to its improvement, but the first step is to get the development ready to put on github and take in the community improvements. Thanks for the ideas and the support.