starmade NPC's are far to easy

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Hello, whoever this may concern.

    Starmade needs tougher npc's because after you have made a ship goten a few sheilds and farmed pirates it gets to easy. by this point you can build a large ship add hardened hull slowly and become "invivncible" (this is a few hours of gameplay and work). i would suggest that there be teirs of enemys, pirates would be Tier one, Tier two might be pirates with hardened hull, Teir three might be pirate stations. after this new NPC's maby a large ship or battle cruiser type ship is tier four ( past tier three should require a much better ship with hardened hull so that players cant just skip tiers) tier five could be a very hard space station like a boosted pirate station of sorts. Teir 6 could be a masive ship that requires somthing for it to spawn

    (to reduce lag of having many of these in a world and, so a little ship dosent acidently encounter one and die instantly.)

    teir 6 and above should require spawning mayby the planets will have somthing to do with this.

    at teir 7 it should be near imposible without proper preperations such as turrets and AI ships along with hardened hull and lots of shields lots and lots of sheilds :)

    at tiers 7 8 9 and 10 these are what everyone should want to fight so tough for killing them you and your ship should earn a cookie :P (or maby somthing just as fantabulas)

    teir 10...

    this mother of all ships should just murder you it needs giant guns. big AI ships, turrets, and most importatly it needs to be smart it needs to be able to kill a fleet of star destroyer sized ships without to much of a fight. This ship/ station/ whatever the starmade guys want it to be should not be easy its spawning ritual should require parts from all the other ships (teirs 9 and below) and perhaps a sacrifice :-D

    i have reset my world 4 times in a month because it got to easy i got the hardened hull force feilds and lots of guns in under 2 days and i killed everything without ever losing sheild.

    i have considerd pvp and you cant always get people to play with or find a good server also many of these mobs would be fun to fight in multuiplayer as well as solo.

    Things that woukd balence this out:

    1. better power cores

    2. advanced sheilds/hull

    3. larger more rare cannons/missles

    4. more regular shops ( thisgs in stock more oftain)

    5. higher cash max

    ( everything in this is just a sugestion and i do not expect everyone to agree or disagree, furthermore if this is added i would asume it would be many updates total with bits and peices added each time that is if it is added at all. i just want this game to progress and to add to the play value this adds goals and reasons to make large ships or powerfull ones.)
    Jun 26, 2013
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    You know you can allow NPCs to use your ships right? There is a curve built in. The better you are they better they can be. Just turn on the option.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    You can set permissions on ships to allow the AI to use them. The Isanath-IV isn\'t that tought, so build ( or download if you\'re a faggot ) some ships for them to use that are more challenging. Once you save the recipie, go to Catalog-Admin-YourNewPirateShip-Permissions and set it to enemy.


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Please, leave the homosexual slurs somewhere else.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Lol... The responses to a single word. Seriously guys, he was obviously just calling the guy a bundle of twigs

    Now, pirates are too easy. To begin with, that is. The base design needs to be significantly more difficult, as well as the space station. Both need shields.

    Afterwards, however, I suspect we start running into trouble. When a group of five player-made ships, possibly 3k+ blocks each, spawn somewhere it does 2 thing: Firstly, it will cause lag. Secondly, it will mean that new players can come across a massively OP ship in the middle of nowhere which they can\'t do anything against. I would suggest limiting the number of ships that spawn in each group by the number of blocks of the ship they are spawning.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    Pirates need to get more difficult and appear in higher numbers as you go deeper into space.

    In every 5x5x5 sector block there is a pirate space station with a varying number of either weak or strong turrets. Taking out this space station will remove all pirates in that block.

    The pirates can no longer hijack your ships but they do still use pre built ones taken from various contests and the developers own design.

    This means people won\'t fly off into the sunset the second they spawn in servers and it also means bigger and stronger ships are more useful.

    Shops deeper into space should also have a larger number of items as well as better versions of previous items (No Tier 3 missiles at spawn anymore!)
    Aug 14, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
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    I really don\'t support the addition of any pirates added to the game, server operators already have control over what ships pirates can use. This feature should be expanded though. The ability to distinguish between trade guild ships and pirate ships as well as setting spawn rates so large pirate ships are less likely to spawn than fighters (I see more pirate gunboats than interceptors). I would also like to be able to create new AI factions and customize their ships too but I would be happy with a distinguishing trade guild vs pirate ships feature.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Learn to read. He used two Gs. Try that google search again wise guy. As for difficulty, allow the pirates to use player ships, difficulty is thus increased.
    Aug 10, 2013
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    Take a look at my post in the General Discussion part of the forums, I am working on a way to help with this (Provided you don\'t mind downloading others ship models). It will take some time getting it fully running to good standards, but would be a way to change difficulty depending on what ships you allow to spawn in your server/single player.