Starmade is pretty awesome, I have some ideas :)

    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    As I've said as the Subject, yes, Starmade is pretty awesome, as a Minecraft Fan, I must say its a great design and hopefully it will develop stronger each passing month

    Btw am new ;)

    To start of, as becoming a Member of this fine Forum, i'd like to jump straight into Ideas, maybe they are bad, maybe they are good, who knows

    1st, as a Starmade space sim, perhaps some items could reflect off the "Microsoft" game "Freelancer", Freelancer was a pretty epic Space Sim, though doesn't have ship design, you could buy and modify verious of ships, from blasters, to cannons, to Laser types to Pulse Types, each weapons had there own strengths and weakness, as well as there own, and like to say a few componenets from the game that one day may get added

    • Truster/engine Types

      The Starmade only has one thruster/engine, which only has a Max Speed of 50, instead, different Engines should have different speeds, as well as power consumption, faster engines, would use more Energy, whiles slower ones, use less, some can become more maneuverable than others in flight, whiles some uses "Cruise" which doubles the speed output, whiles sacrificing the use of all forms of weapons, untill the ship stops the "Cruise" engines, then the ship will be able to use weapons again


    • Different weapons could mean different strategies, Blaster Type Lasers could be good against shields, but weakest against all forms of hulls, whiles cannons could have high splash damage and do a lot more Hull Damage, but ineffective against shields


    • Some of the current missiles in starmade are quite powerful, but can be somewhat confusing, some missile ideas could benefit from what I've said, Cruise Disruption missiles, are fast and agile, and can keep up even the most fastest of foes, does no damage, but will disable cruise for a short period of time, making the target vulnerable to attack, Pulse Missiles are super effective against shields, though does no damage, moderate speeds, and a slow reload, i'd talk about a hull killer missile, but them BB (Bunker Busters) are no.1 anyway XD


    • When attached to a Ships Core, and depending on the Number of Sensors plus Power Plants, will increase the sensor range, which picks up pretty much anything, more you add, the more constant energy you need, the more you can see further away (Good for space stations I recon)

    [*]Tractor Beams

    • Like the Salvage Cannon, the Tractor beam will grab any loose items floating in space, as long as your near loot, it will tractor in what it can see, no need to get out and loot stuff when you defeat a few pirates or two

    [*]Other Weapons ideas

    • Mines, When deployed, it will seek and engage the nearest target, weather it be friend or foe, mines could do various of things as weakling the shields, or slowing an opponent down
    • Counter Measures, when danger lurks, and missiles are coming from all over the place, these little bad boys could save your life....... could

    Other Suggestions

    • Shields

      When a ship takes shield damage, it instantly recharges!, instead, could it be possible to add a Time difference to when a shield was damaged to a point when it can recharged, I.E. shield takes damage, wait for a few seconds/minutes with out taking another hit, and it will slowly replenish

    [*]The BOBBY AI is ok, but its accuracy is poor, maybe using the factory modules, could be used to forge new AI modules with the BOBBY AI, such as Way Point Patrolling, Pursuing, Following a Friend or Foe Target, Staying in Formations, Maneuvering and engaging targets, depending on the settings, such as, Engage head on, or stay at a distance, depending on weapon range, Ect


    ?Thats all I have to Contribute for now, Perhaps some of these Ideas have been said, who knows, I'll proberbly get told they are already said in a forum, some times, the more the community says, its usually gets noticed ;), Hope to see more Updates soon ^_^
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Already made a suggestion regarding engines akin to yours actually.

    I also saw at least one tractor beam idea around, and that would definitely be cool for ships crewed by more then one person (one person would have to maintain the tractor while the other one took control of a different weapon to blast the enemy ship), or ships with powerful automated turrets.

    I agree that missiles need some work, and also think armor needs a pretty decent buff to make it a bit more on par with shields with regards to usefulness.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Freelancer themed server!
    Jul 11, 2013
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    SENSORS! what you do is you put enough sensors to see 20km away, you would have a seperate tab for it, and enough power to supply it and some thrusters to move around fast and scout the area, see your enemy before it senes you, maybe each secsor would icrease range by 50m and just a plain core would have the current distance we have.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Tractor beam sounds cool. Thanks for the nice post organization.
    Aug 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    Shields were like that before and still are in some way, But now they recharge at 1-25% under fire depending on how much shield you have left.