Starmade ID list needs redoing

    Aug 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    The ID list of items hasn't been updated since early alpha.

    Can someone tell me how to get ID's of an item? Because then I can do some updating istead of sitting here complaining


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I would hold 8 IDs for each block shape in reserve.

    • The last 3 bits of a binary value.

    I would count how many colors and hull types there are

    • and reserve bits for it

    This would make it at least consistent, some holes can be filled with deko if there are not enough IDs (or reserved for extra hardened hulls (sunworld) composite hulls and engineered cristals (the-pirate-alliance) - L3 hulls, etc.)

    For ores, let each 3 types use 4 bit (16 slots)

    Finally, present your ID list and look if it makes somebody happy :)

    Personally, I care more about names with which you spawn items.

    I don\'t like to switch from give to giveid command, just beause one name is a shorter version of another (Blue Hull, Blue Hull Wedge).

    Hull (Blue) and Hull Wedge (Blue) would be better.

    You can easily change them in /data/config/blockconfig.xml, But you need some migration tool for ID-changes (and maybe change blueprints and another file in this config folder).

    And while you are at it, suggest to make liquids (especially water, since it would take damage from lava) and leaves non-physical (like plants).

    I want something where I can hide an entrance behind and can go through too.