Aye, that was me, I enjoy StarMade quite a bit, as I'm sure everyone knows, but I also like other games

SkyWanderers is currently more like SM when it was first put out just on the site. It has a lot of potential, and I like competition, and SW (SkyWanderers) is less like starmade and more like Elite+Space Engineers. It does fit in the general "voxel space builder" but edges toward the exploration instead of what SM seems to be going for (empire building etc).
If you guys want me to answer what questions I can about SW, I will do my best. You can either PM me or make a group message here, or catch me on my stream
as I'm not sure how comfortable I am discussing the particulars of SW here on the StarMade site.
Edit: What I will say for competition or how StarMade will respond etc, I think, after playing both games, and seeing where both games are tentatively headed, they will be similar, but with fundamentally different gameplay goals. Personally, I will be "investing" in both as I'm a huge voxel space nerd. Currently SW isn't on steam, and is very pre-alpha. It's very pretty, as the dev has spent a lot of time in unity working on the shaders and graphics, but the game-play isn't there yet, and will take some time to get there.
Again, I'm happy to talk about the game in comparison etc, but I would rather not do it here on the official starmade site. Thank you all for your time, remember both StarMade and SkyWanders are different games, and one is significantly further along than the other, reserve judgement on both until you see more. I for one am very interested in the future of both StarMade and SkyWanderers.