StarMade Alpha 0.081 released: Bug Fixes and Missile Performance


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    Hello and welcome to StarMade,

    This update fixes bugs, and adds a huge performance boots to the calculation of missile explosions.


    Increased Missile Performance
    I refined the calculations for missile hits. The affected blocks now get calculated a lot faster, eliminating the lag when more than 10 missiles simultaneously hit at the same spot.

    Added Free Cam
    You can now switch to a free camera (default: left shift) in flight mode to observe your ship while flying.

    Bug Fixes

    Crash Bugs

    • Fixed crash when activating door module.

    Physics Bugs

    • Fixed bug, that caued physics glitches with missiles

    • Fixed bug, that caused a missile not to be fired when target is exactly at position 0,0,0

    • Fixed bug that would prevent entering a ship on certain angles and situations

    • Fixed bug, that would place the player inside a ship when exiting a ship

    • Fixed bug, that occured when player character gets hit by missile

    Gameplay Bugs

    • Fixed bug, that would not correctly initiate waves of enemies

    User Created Ships
    I'm going to present some of the user created ships in the future.
    Here is the 'Black Shark' made by Remi

    What comes next
    As announced in the last post, I'll focus on economy and resources now. Of course, bug fixing will always get top priority.

    Thanks for playing StarMade,
    - schema