Hello and welcom to StarMade,
I'm back to my usual working schedule, and there are 2 updates today. The main focus for both were on server performance.
A big thanks to Doomsider for giving me access to his server. Being able to grab logs and remotely profile the running program has revealed a lot of hotspots for improvements.
Here is the full changelog:
- fixed server crash on running condition with docking check
- increased server performance by increasing send buffer size
- increased overall performance by moving a slow collection function to the ClusterThread when recalculating clusters
- mouse tooltips will no longer be drawn when the mouse is not visible
- fixed crash on attempted chain docking
- removed RemoteSectors from update loop when inactive -> server performance and scalability
- tweaked method to remove remote entites for performance (still more todo there)
- improved network protocol performance by replacing runtime non-static cast method with a more compiler friendly version
- improved cluster updating with more memory & cache friendly and also faster data structures
- fixed server exception with factory inventory being null (happened on NASS 04/22)
- fixed bug in removing old file handles. not the oldest one was removed but a random one -> performance hit in worst case
- reduced basic load by only attempting to update the structure of clusters every so often (more todo here)
- fixed server no-answer warning message with correct time since last response
- fixed memory leak (causing ~50% of excess memory on server): half of CompoundCollision Algorithm instances have not been freed back to the pool after proxy was destroyed
Thanks for playing StarMade,
- schema
I'm back to my usual working schedule, and there are 2 updates today. The main focus for both were on server performance.
A big thanks to Doomsider for giving me access to his server. Being able to grab logs and remotely profile the running program has revealed a lot of hotspots for improvements.
Here is the full changelog:
- fixed server crash on running condition with docking check
- increased server performance by increasing send buffer size
- increased overall performance by moving a slow collection function to the ClusterThread when recalculating clusters
- mouse tooltips will no longer be drawn when the mouse is not visible
- fixed crash on attempted chain docking
- removed RemoteSectors from update loop when inactive -> server performance and scalability
- tweaked method to remove remote entites for performance (still more todo there)
- improved network protocol performance by replacing runtime non-static cast method with a more compiler friendly version
- improved cluster updating with more memory & cache friendly and also faster data structures
- fixed server exception with factory inventory being null (happened on NASS 04/22)
- fixed bug in removing old file handles. not the oldest one was removed but a random one -> performance hit in worst case
- reduced basic load by only attempting to update the structure of clusters every so often (more todo here)
- fixed server no-answer warning message with correct time since last response
- fixed memory leak (causing ~50% of excess memory on server): half of CompoundCollision Algorithm instances have not been freed back to the pool after proxy was destroyed
Thanks for playing StarMade,
- schema