StarMade 0.092742: Server Crashes


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine

    Thanks for all the mail notifying me of the server crashes. I was able to catch 2 bugs that were resposible for 17 out of 17 today.

    Seeing how essential it is to catch the logs on the point of crashing I added a "copy-logs-before-each-start" to the star script of doom's server, so I can find bugs and improve stability faster.

    Here is the changelog for this Version:

    - fixed crash on illegal physics state
    - fixed bug that would cause factions relation with the same faction
    - fixed server crash on loading parts of ships that aren't available yet
    - fixed server crash on concurrent modification on control structure of blocks
    - starmode
    -- console output now autoscrolls
    -- clients are no longer kicked, when the admin list is emtpy

    Thanks for playing StarMade,

    - schema