StarMade 0.089999: New Catalog System


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    Hello and welcome to StarMade,
    this update features a completely redesigned catalog, with a lot more options and possibilities. Also some huge boosts to memory scalability.

    New Catalog System
    The new system now has its own tab in the context menu. It is structured into "Personal", "Available", and "Admin".

    Personal Tab
    In the personal tab, players get a list of all catalog entries they own. Ownership can only be changed by an admin. The owner of an entry can edit the description, permission, and delete the entry. Permissions for entries are:

    • Faction: the catalog entry will only appear for faction members.

    • Others: the catalog entry will appear for all players.

    • Home Base (not yet implemented)

    • Enemy Spawnable (Server Admin only): The enemy mobs may use this entry as a blueprint
    The personal tab also has the known tools for saving/uploading a ship.

    Available Tag
    In this tab, all entries that are available for the player are listed. This includes own entries, entries that have a faction permission that are owned by another member of your faction, and all entries with the permission set to "others".
    Finally, all catalog lists now feature (ascending&descending) sorting for every list-aspect.

    Admin Tag
    This tab is only available for server admins and lists all entries of the server. The admin may force any modification of an entry, including removal. For every removed entry (no matter who removed it), there will be an automatic backup created in the server blueprint export folder.

    Players can rate entries from 1 to 10. All ratings are saved, so the system will remember if a player already has voted for an entry (in this case his rating will be replaced with the new value). Ratings will be a good not only for players, but also for admins determining the best ships to use for the enemy blueprints.

    Memory performance
    I implemented a whole new Octree-system, essentially eliminating almost all overhead data. This will cut the usage of memory for a raw structure (excluding connections) more than in half. It also increases the overall physics performance since octree-lookups can be done a lot faster, because the data is now organized in one flat array instead of a hierarchical node-leave object structure. (This may not be perfectly object orientated programming conform, but I'm programming for performance and not a computer science professor)

    As always, be sure to keep your backups from the update, which are automatically created in your StarMade directory when you update.

    Thanks for playing StarMade,
    - schema