StarMade 0.08897: Space Stations, Graphics & Performance


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    Hello and welcome to StarMade,
    I'm back! And here is the newest update:

    - increased character height
    The player avatar is now about 1.6 to 1.7 blocks hight

    - fixed physics bug that would sink players into planets
    when a player stepped on a plant, he began to sink into the planet

    - improved security in shopping process
    hopefully no more failed shopping transactions (shop takes your blocks, and doesn't pay)

    - space stations are now spawnable
    You can now spawn a space station in a sector. Also when the last block of a space station is destroyed, it will be deleted. A Space Station costs 1 million credits and only one Station per sector is allowed. To Spawn a Space Station you have to press 'm' (until i refine the GUI)

    - fixed the lift module
    The lift now works again.

    - massive performance upgrade for bigger ships
    I managed to almost get rid of any lag when massive ships are loaded.

    - texture drawing upgrade
    Me and beetlebear are working hard to make the game look better. We finally managed to get rid of the ugly lines between modules (caused by mipmap-bleeding). The textures are not yet completely updated to the new system though, but the game already look a lot better.

    Thanks for playing StarMade,
    - schema