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    Feb 17, 2015
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    So, I made 2 5x5 rings on separate planets of the same system, with the intention of walking through one planet to go to the other. This was my first time using warpgates, so it was more of a test.

    I was disappointed to find out that you exit either inside of the planet, or in high orbit, and impractical to try to swim your way back to the gate. Did I connect the two gates wrong, or do you not exit through the other gate.

    Or is the fact that I built this on a planet make it not work? Do you need them on stations to walk through them and exit at the other ring, or is it always somewhere random in space around it?
    May 5, 2014
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    They change sectors but not position relative to the sector. So if your gate is in the upper right corner of the sector you will exit in a similar part of the destination sector. At least thats what i've experienced.
    I tend to make gates in the dead centre of a sector so that ships will exit in front of the destination gate, but its not always possible.
    Jul 31, 2013
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    They're not connected folding or dimensional gates, they're accelerator gates. The reason you need two is so the jump doesn't need to be calculated, just zeroed in on a beacons current location. Just an assumption.
    Jul 24, 2013
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    they are warp gates,not portal gates :P
    WARP GATES throw you in direction where the second warpgate is (like a norma jumpdrive).. so there is no hole,no wormhole that connects to the second warpgate. the second warpgate is just a "beacon" .you dont dissapear in the first one and materialize infront of the second one,because that is not how warpgates would work.

    so warpgates slingshot you to the second wargate.
    PORTAL GATES create a hole in space/time (wormhole)
    and that is what you were thinking of..portal gates :P

    hope this explains it