
    Jul 31, 2013
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    How about adding to game stargates? It would allow for fast travel between sectors. They could be placed manually or would generate at random. Only one gate per sector (either random or designed) would be allowed.

    For placing gates by hand one would need stargate core (placed like ship core, if you have both, game would ask which one to spawn). Then from whatever blocks, gates would be formed. They need to be closed shape, but its shape and size can be any.

    Examples of wrong (not working) and right gates, periods are used for empty space, C core, X any block.





    To open gate, one would need to activate it core (using R), then input coordinates (like for waypoint). For successful tunnel to be established, two things are need to happen.

    - Target sector need to have stargates

    - They may be operational (correct, enclosed).

    Tunnel would then open for a period of time (configurable in server.cfg) and close after ship will travel through it, either way (only one ship can travel through gates, however direction can be any).

    For ship being able to travel through gate, only simple requirement needs to be met: Both gates needs to be big enough for it to travel through.
    Jul 31, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like the idea.
    It would also allow for spontaneous encounters with other players and factions.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    love the idea i hate having to fly to the nearest shop thats 5 sectors away and what not it take a long time

    but i have a few sub_sugjetions for the \"stargate\" have thire be an attachable \"ires\" so other players and factions can just go to yours/though if they add the \"stargate\" and not a \"ires\" i could just put a thousend turrets infront anyway

    next have them be buildable not randomly generatod cuse if they are added i would like to make a docking \"stargate\" room

    thouse hears a question so if you have a larger stargate then another and your ship is to big for the out one then your ship would be sliced at where it couldent fit so have thire be one REALY big one like a \"supergate\" ;)
    Jul 31, 2013
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    If your ship is big for one SG and not other, it would just not travel. I don\'t think anyone wants stargates destroying their ships. That would be annoying.

    And my suggestion is that they would BOTH be generated and buildable. SG core could be bought in shop for high price like 1M credits, but stargates would also naturally spawn (as often as stations). It would also help explain pirates and trading guild - they\'d travel through gates (spawn near them) instead of appearing out of nowhere.

    And iris is certainlt good suggestion, though I can see it\'d be hell to program. Unless we;d use plexdoors


    In above example P means plexdoors. When they\'re closed game will think that gates are too small for ANYTHING to travel through them (even flying core) and wont let it.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    i like the idea Darkhog but say a gate spawned in a sector and you made one in the same sector and you wanted to exit and enter the one you build in your starbase/station how would you designat what SG you exit from and it would be a pain to have to go and find the gened gate and destroy it
    Jul 31, 2013
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    It won\'t be possible to have 2 gates in same sector. And frankly, sector are so small, that you\'d be able to get to point in sector where you want to be.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    ok but so again what if you want the gate in your station you just have to look for a sector without one i it makes sence but its just another thing you have to look out for before making a station i guess it makes a bit of scene

    moving on from the matter i was thinking instead of an \"ires\" you use a faction module and the ships have remote activation and if they have the same faction on their model then it will open for the ship but just a another idea
    Aug 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Love the idea. make it happen later in the development ^_^
    Jul 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I wouldn\'t like stargates to be used as warp beacons (or whatever), they\'re clearly small and designed for small ships and people, big ships should have warp drives and stationary warp beacons for huge jumps.

    Stargates would be great if you could build them anywhere... planets, stations or ships... and each gate created would have an unique set ID made of random characters attributed to it depending on its location or if it\'s a ship... it should also have a computer where you can \"call\" other gates... and having plexidoors in front of the gate should block any incomming \"data\" (instadeath would be SG-accurate).
    Aug 1, 2013
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    ok having stargates is enough we don\'t need to copy everything from the SGC yes i agree the gates should be small and the same size so players and small ships can go through but the random ID thing it makes it to complicated IF they add it i would be happy to just have it be where you use your \"Stargate Remote Tool\" that is already integrated into the ship core and a tool at a avatar but just put in the sector you wish to go (e.g.. 10,10,10) and there no need for :: ok om i think its 5,3,9,2,4.8.0 no what its 9,2,1,6,7,2,0 :: also that warp drive thing for large ships like could be a cool no suggestion topic i would think it would require ALLOT of power so that it make shore you have a descent sized ship and have the drive be a (multi block/ multiple block structure) though it was your idea so im not going to post it unless you want me to
    Jul 31, 2013
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    ok but so again what if you want the gate in your station you just have to look for a sector without one i it makes sence but its just another thing you have to look out for before making a station i guess it makes a bit of scene

    You could just build station near (or around, you could probably put build block on gates) gate that is naturally spawned or you can build station and gate in empty sector. Your choice.

    stargates to be used as warp beacons (or whatever), they\'re clearly small and designed for small ships and people,

    Someone clearly didn\'t watch Ori arc of SG-1...
    Jul 30, 2013
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    Well, if each stargate or Jumpgate had a 5 long alphanumeric combination. That would allow for 60,466,176 different gates.

    I would love for some sort of gate system to be incorporated, That would make travelling to known destination easier, and random destinations adventurous.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    now yes the stargates did get bigger in SGC called supergates now if gates where to be naturally spawned they should spawn one supergate every star system and the rest smaller ones so large ships can jump from star to star

    also i have come to the conclusion that building stargates as nice as that sound should not be implemented diff sized gates will kill players and ships there may be ideas and solutions to it but its simpler to just have them spawn