Starfleet - Semper Exploro [Recruitment temp-closed]

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    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    The kelvin class ships are being discontinued. if you are in command of a Kelvin class, continue as normal, you will be issued a new ship. The USS-Atlantis is being given special commendations for its service and colourful life, and will be docked to the engineering dry dock in a viewing room as a memory of the Kelvins, and of its past. Therefore, the engineering base will become know as the Atlantis facility. This facility will remain in a secret sector only known by a select few until it is completed, then it will be teleported to a sector for use by engineering staff.

    The ship ranks will be rethought soon as a number of new large ship classes are in the pipeline.

    All ships in the main fleet will be replaced after the weapons update, so that Starfleet ships stay on the forefront of technology. You will be issued a new ship, and have you old one taken away. it will be the same class, but unlikely to bear the same name and registry. That is for Deadlis to decide as ship registration is under his control.

    Reilly Reese

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    Still waiting on certain things retaining to my project for you.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Still waiting on certain things retaining to my project for you.
    Sorry about that, because of new classes, classes being decommissioned, and classes undergoing refits, I want to get them all done before sending you the images. feel free to work on other factions while waiting, it may be awhile :)

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    Akira still up to date? Only ship there

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    Don't go around trying to antagonize people especially me.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Elwyn Eternity, our home server, is reseting when the weapons update lands as part of its efforts to reignite interest in the server. We have seen this as a chance to start anew, and restructure Starfleet. Therefore, until this has happened, and star fleet is back in a suitable position to accept members, we are closing recruitment. The current members and heads of departments are already at work planning the new systems, stations and protocols, several new ships are planned, and some are already under-development. A new department is being devised, with dedicated ships and roles across the server.

    In the OP, we state:
    We, being an inherently peaceful organization, do not actively seek out aggression with other factions. Our weapons are designed for self-defence. However, we will not hesitate to use them against others who would wish to do us, the server, or others harm.
    This was not true, and we are sorry to the factions we did harm for mistakes, getting too close to our space, or just flying a ship that looked like a penis. Several factions on elwyn were founded to fight our oppression of the server, and we squashed them rather than listening to them. Many factions have a bad name for this kind of behaviour, and we are ashamed that we have developed the same bad reputation.

    A post will be made when recruitment is re-opened after the Elwyn reset and we have set up the foundations for the new faction. No longer will Starfleet be the faction that shoots first, and laughs later. We are striving to build a new, more organised, better Starfleet.

    We will be back, as strong as ever, but better suited to bear the name Starfleet.

    Head of Starfleet Corps of Engineering
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