You really need to decide what you want from a container, before deciding which container to use.
Zekester81 uses nice containers btw.
I have set my container size to 23x 15y 31z. This is my standard container size now.
The reason is simple: my small shipyards are able to produce these and the small ships I usually produce fit in such a container.
I am still trying to figure out how I want my docking.
I prefer, if I can use invisible rail blocks and a pickup zone with some walk-through-able plants to mark that area, thus it does not only need an USD dock, but also a centered rail on bottom. I am not a fan of assymetry, so I can'T make the left bottom corner the dock for example.
The next thing is the height of that USD dock and the distance of the rail docker to the container's boundary box edge.
For the reason of wedged edges of containers, I decided that 3 blocks distance are ideal.
The next thing to decide is which dock I want. USD or some large hangar-door type dock.
I think I make one side USD and the rear side a hangar-door.
Do I want the USD in the centre or at bottom of my container?
I think at width, I prefer centre, having the container grow left/right. But for heigh, I really need it to be at the bottom, so that differently sized containers can be docked at the same slot and entered, when the need arrises.
I really think that the //24-16-32 minus 1// format doubled/halfed and 1 less on all axis post-multiplication is a good format.
//11-7-15/ is a smaller sized value you get from that and //5-3-7// fits into some hallways plus (if you don't look top/bottom) you can cover quite some volume in decorative hull.