Space Telescopes. (also adds possible link to Warp engines as bonus)

    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi schema!

    I would like to see building blocks to build a space telescope.
    . Lens blocks (the bigger the block plane = the wider the image/ the more lens planes behind oneanother with spaces in between them = the further the zoom)
    . ocular block (must be placed in center of the first lens plane/can be accessed through ships core "left-right" function, or building block "left right' function/acts as viewport/also steerable with flight keys)

    Can be build on space station/planet/ship.
    Needs to be build as docked turret or docked ship.

    This would provide perfect spying options. (also on cloacked ships)
    I imagine that the lens simply renders the position in space (with all blocks in it) as far away as the build lens can handle.
    Creating a looking glass effect would be truly super, as well as depth data within that looking glass effect.
    Depth data would be:
    . Which sector
    . How far away
    . Travel time from current location

    This could also be a perfect addon to support the Warp engines.
    The space telescope then sets the max distance for a possible Warp engagement.
    The space telescope can obviously zoom to its max distance. (but zooming is slow)

    I hope u are inspired by this!
    And for the rest of the forum users, please tell me what u think!!
    Do you support this, or have even better insight!