Space Station: Titalia (10,000km2 of area)

    Jun 27, 2013
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    Hello I am new to the community, but will be hopefully posting a lot more soon.

    Space station Titalia is a huge project that i am taking up. The station has been started a ltiile bit but has a whole lot to go. I am looking for a build team who can help me and host the private server for building on. I currently only have a rdesign thought up in my head and after doing some calculations i have come to the outcome that the overall walking area of the ship will be nearly the size of Jamiaca, which is 10,000km2. I realize this seems like more that fits in an individual sector but this will contain multiple levels and good usage of space. Once i have finished my station i will be placing it in my friends server as a Public area. As for the build team i am hoping to get aroung 10 people but i realize that number may be completely off. I hope to get some feedback on this as to what you all think of this station.

    • Update 01-Some pictures of the start of the column, i have done everything up to now on my own. the walls go up to 1km but is mostly out of draw distance

    and here is the central elevator

    I will continue to upload pictures as i make significant updates to the station
    Jun 25, 2013
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    If i wasnt caught up in my own fleet making, i would help you. Tell me when this becomes larger so that i may pop in and give you some help every now and then when i have the time

    p.s, you wont finish even the walking area of the station in a months time working 12 hours a day with 30 builders if my calculations are correct, then to make the ship functional would take another 5-9 months of work depending on school and time schedules/effort.

    Good luck anyways.

    Jul 13, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I would like to help! but 10,000km2?! that\'s alot, and I doubt the game will even let you build that much or am I wrong? (I hope I\'m wrong because that size would be amazing) PS: I can\'t host the private server, sorry :/
    Jun 27, 2013
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    I\'m not 100% sure that it will let you build that much but i see no reason that it wouldn\'t allow a structure to reach a certain size as long as it is fitted in the sector.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    well since this is just a space station i dont really need to build anything to make it functional but the whole month of work did just kind of upset me but i realized that this was going to be a huge project. Also I will start posting update pictures once i get anything that resembles a station
    Jul 10, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    10k KiloMeters would take around 6666 sectors. I am reasonably sure no server would be capable of handling this, simply because of the limitations of the engine. 10 Kilometers would still take around 6 sectors, and I am willing to bet it would be infeasible as well. THe usability limit for a ship is somwhere between 1 and 1.5 km. Already at that size, the physics calculations when the objects hit meteor or get near the planet and the gravitational calculations kick in, it effectively disables the server. Manage your expectations
    Jun 27, 2013
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    The Titalia is a space station,not a ship, so i dont need to orry about physics to much. Also its going to have mutiple levels. Meaning the first levels 1km2 gets multiplied like 10 time because it goes a verticle kilometer with spacing between levels. So once its done it shouldnt really have much more blocks than a planet, just more spread out.
    Jul 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    What a wonderful Idea! What does it take to host a server, and how much would you want it to be online? I would bet my machince cannot handle it so I will just have to offer some extra manpower for construction.

    What Brought this on? And what exactly are you going to include in the plan?
    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    i am pretty sure that i got someone for hosting and it should be up by tomorrow. I was just trying to think of a large project and then somthing in my mind decided that building a station the size of a small country. Most of the station will be layed out in a city formation in that it will have buildings and such throughout. Also it would be nice if you have skype for being on the build team and if you do send me your username in a PM.