Space Station 13 (Heavy RP)

    Oct 19, 2013
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    Server IP Address:

    Whitelist is on, please submit your characters history below

    Server Details:

    This server is hosted in France on a 32gb Xeon at OVH and is in concept stage running a custom code base. Similar to SS13 this server will attempt to run rounds where each new player is assigned a role on a Space Station everytime the round resets

    Please RP and where possible use custom mechanics to ensure the operation of the space station and the survival of the crew

    Server Configuration

    There are no NPC shops on this server, everything is community made
    The spawn area is capable of being destroyed to facilitate per-round roleplay

    Whitelist Application Format

    Your characters name (Firstname_Forename):
    Your characters age:
    Short Character Background:
    Prefered Role (see below):


    Stage 1:
    * Player Roles [100%]
    * Station Layout [80%]
    * Automatic Restarts [In progress]
    * Food and Drink [100%]
    * Fatigue/Sleeping [scheduled]

    Stage 2:
    * Chef Role cooking functionality [50%]
    * Player Knockout/Resurrection
    * Medical Officer healing functionality
    * Player ID Cards
    * Security access systems based on ID Cards

    Stage 3:
    * Other role functionality


    Dear Valued Applicant,

    We would like to thank you for your submission to join the role in the GENCOM repurposed Space Station #13 in the Aerias System! After careful consideration of your submitted application we would like inform you have been successful and have already been assigned quarters and your new role aboard Space Station 13!

    Please carefully review your orientation guide and space liner ticket which will take you aboard Transport Vessel Democles. After just 4 years of hypersleep aboard the space liner you will arrive into the welcome hands of your new family deep within the undiscovered region of space we call the Aerias!

    The new frontier offers many challenges for our crew and the human race! With your succesful application you have cemented your families name in the history logbooks for generations to come.

    When you arrive, please visit me in the Crew Sector and we can discuss your new role in greater detail

    Till then,

    Space Station 13 - Head of Personnel


    Meet the Crew!


    Only the finest of GENCOM personnel are chosen through a vigorous review and selection process. Successful captains are trained in ensuring the efficient operation of the station and all of the subdepartments, which report in directly via the heads of departments

    The Captain is also responsible for relaying missions assigned directly by GENCOM and is the only member of the crew with direct contact to central headquarters


    Due to the large number of crew about GENCOM repurposed stations, the Head of Personnel ensures all staff members do their part to ensure the successful operation of the station

    Response for training and allocation of human labour, the Head of Personnel will assign new roles and act as an intermediary between the Captain and Heads in regards to staffing requirements

    Heads of Personnel have also been known to cater to the psychological needs of the crew members, acting as a councilor in times of grievance when staff may feel the pain of seperation from their families back on Earth


    To ensure the safety of all crew members, the Head of Security is responsible for overseeing the internal and external security of the repurposed space station.

    The Warden and all Security officers report directly to the Head of Security who ensures peace and order throughout the station

    The Head of Security has also taken a vow to ensure each member of staff, charged with a Crime will receive a fair trial, for which a council of 4 is selected


    Should a member of staff be detained for a long period of time, the Head of Security will transfer the personnel member to the Brig which is overseen by the Warden and Security Officers. Depending on the length of the sentence members of staff will be catered for with food, psychological services, medical aid and shower facilities

    The Warden ensures the safety of the station crew members and more specifically the brig detainees


    Operating under the Head of Security and the Warden, the Security officers help maintain order and law within the station.

    Externally, Security Officers will also partner and command a pilot for all security fighter vessels which patrol the station and surrounding space, often providing escorts to trade and salvage vessels

    Security Officers will also ensure the successful operation of the Brig and all externally facing defense turrets which ring the station

    It is the role of the Security Officer to ensure the rule of Law on all members of staff


    The Detective works with the Law and Personnel to investigate problems or crime that may occur aboard the station. The Detective has the right to investigate any area of the ship and does not report directly to the Head of Security, instead acting as an impartial internal affairs officer under the Head of Personnel


    One of the most difficult positions in the ship is the Chief Engineer, who is responsible for maintaining the operation of all ship systems and manufacturing

    The Chief engineer is always busy as many problems can occur across the entire station at a moments notice. Some believe the complex systems which allow the ship to be maintained are insignificant to the skills required managing the large engineering team which will perform the work to resolve any problems

    It is therefore why the Chief Engineer is known to work more closely with the Station AI than any other member of crew


    Reporting directly to the Chief Engineer, the role of Station Engineer can range from ensuring the operation of Power Core systems to repairing hull damage and even in the manufacturing department, producing all the goods used daily by the station


    Outside of manufacturing performed by the Engineering team is the role of the Research Director who, with his team of skilled scientists test and produce experimental and advanced technology needed by the various departments

    The Research Director also oversees the production of New Technology Ships which are produced directly above the research labs by the many boffins under his command


    Scientists work closely with the Engineering departments using resources to produce advanced weapons, minerlas, space vessels and subsystems which are required for the daily operation of the station and future endevours forwarded from GENCOM

    The Scientist reports directly to the Research Director and works tirelessly to improve the station for science!


    Inevitably with a large population, each staff member will have medical needs particularly when involved in dangerous work or exploring alien planets

    The Chief medical officer oversees the many life support systems and general healthcare of crew members through his/her medical staff, due to this, the Chief Medical Officer will often work closely with Botany, which provide a continuous supply of medical materials as well as the Research Department


    Due to the many dangers of work in space, the Medical Doctor provides a critical role of ensuring the well being of all staff members aboard the space station. Working directly under the chief medical officer, each medical doctor will specialise in various areas of care from surgery to general practitioner to pharmasist


    All goods flowing in and out of the ship, including all internally manufactured goods flow directly through the Cargo and Storage department

    The quarter master oversees all requests for goods and ensures well documented keeping of records in regards to what goods are available and where they are stored.

    The quarter master also oversees salvage operations working closely with Pilots and his Cargo Technicians that extract and manage resources

    It is critical that the quarter master is able to provide the necessary goods each department needs to operate and therefore will insist on a requisition request from a signed head of department before issuing any goods to users


    Cargo Technicians process all goods flowing to and from the stations. They take requests signed for by heads of departments and locate the goods in store and deliver to a department

    They are also responsible for the offloading of goods from transport vessells and salvage vessels under the mangement of the Quarter Master


    Miners work closely with Pilots and the Cargo bay to aquire resources not currently present on the station, they will often be a 3 member crew who travel out to asteroids and planets and return with the valuable raw resources needed by manufacturing and botany

    Without the miner most departments could not operate as everything produced on the station requires the service they provide


    Pilots work closely with the Security Department and Cargo Department flying their vessels needed for the many operations running to and from the space station

    No member of crew can fly a vessel without a pilot present and sometimes a secondary pilot for larger vessels


    With such large volumes of goods flowing through the station and a large crew it is inevitable that the station can get a little cluttered and messy at times. This is where the janitor comes in who will ensure the smooth operation of the ship and maximize the recycling capabilities of the ship by delivering used materials to the recycling area

    The Janitor role is extremely social, being only second to the Head of Personnel in interacting with every member of the station on a regular basis


    Whether it's a long day and you want to relax, or simply need a nice refreshing drink, visit the ever serving Bartender in the canteen facilities in the Crew Sector

    The Bartender gets to hear all the gossip and provide that moment of peace to staff for an otherwise busy shift


    WIth a large crew, it's always a busy job for the Chef to fabricate food from the alien and unusual materials found in space! The chef works with the materials available to produce the most exquisite meals to ensure all staff are well fed and comfortable

    Working closely with Botany, the Chef is busy in the back of the Canteen cooking up the finest meals this side of the Aerias system!


    The Botanist cares to the delicate plant life that grows throughout the Botany department, a crucial role for Medical and Staff Food services and even, sometimes, the Research Division

    Botany requires a careful and patient hand to move the volumes of plant materials needed to keep the station and it's crew operating at peak performance


    Outside of specially trained officers of the station, the assistant crew perform the vital role of filling in a variety of positions assigned by the Head of Personnel

    Sometimes as a department may be under undue pressure due to an unexpected event on the station which only the assistant standby staff can help deal with

    The Assistant will experience a variety of roles and gain experience in nearly all areas of station operation


    Life in space can be difficult and it is the Clowns responsibility to provide that moment of entertainment to give a well earned rest between shifts

    The clown pleasures itself in spreading good humour and joy throughout the many areas of the space station


    Along with the Head of Personnel, the Chapel acts as a safe place to discuss your problems whether personal or spiritual

    The Chaplain often helps organise events and provide sermons for members of staff to reflect on their life on board the station


    Stuck in a legal miasma? Have no fear, the finest of legal representation is available on hand, 24/7 for the best price this side of the star system

    The Lawyer will argue your case to the council and ensure the Law is on your side


    Deep within the Station the AI is integrated directly with the many systems that operate on the ship. Working closely with all departments the AI's omnipresent stare and control over the station provides a self maintaining mechanism allowing the station to operate fluidly and timely

    The AI is programmed to, in order, Ensure the Success of all GENCOM Missions, Ensure the Safety of the Station and Protect All Human Life
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    Oct 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    Custom Systems

    Ticks occur every 60 seconds and process the following subsystems

    Does Not Apply to the AI Player
    1 - Decrease all Player Food Levels, Kill Players if Food Levels are too low (0/100)

    2 - Decrease all Player Drink Levels, Kill Players if Drink Levels are too low (0/100)

    3 - Decrease all Player Fatigue Levels, Kill Players if Fatigue Levels are too high (100/100)

    Custom Actions

    Performing actions will increase a players fatigue, not performing custom actions will allow your fatigue to slowly decrease restoring your ability to perform actions again

    Custom Block Systems

    Right clicking whilst holding custom food items increases your Player Food Level

    Right clicking whilst holding custom drink items increases your Player Drink Level

    Custom Blocks

    Food: Meat Substitute - Restores 1 food levels

    Drink: Water - Restores 1 drink levels

    Custom Recipes

    1 Water + 1 Empty Container = Drink: Water

    20 Fungal Growth + 1 Empty Container = Food: Meat Substitute
    Last edited:
    Jan 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    • Purchased!
    Oh, god.
    I can't stop laughing. You're trying to port Space Station 13 into StarMade?
    This can only go so well.

    To anyone else who has no idea what Space Station 13 is, here.
    It is a game about working on a space station, with the particular lore of you working for a megacorporation called 'Nanotrasen'.
    This varries from server to server, and the idea may even be changed radically depending on where you go.
    There are a number of RP servers, or non-RP servers.
    RP servers:
    Hypatia Station
    Aurora Station

    Medium RP servers:
    Unbound Travels/NSS Phoenix
    Paradise Station
    Colonial Marines
    New Eden Station
    Citadel Station (I don't advise going to this one unless you have plenty of brainbleach)

    Non-RP servers:
    Goonstation (From the Something Awful forums, closed source)

    There are countless others out there. Investigate and see where you fit in, though, a warning.
    The administation of Baystation, Hypatia, and Aurora are all of questional morals and ideals, and Baystation's community is widely regarded as toxic. Hypatia is nearly dead due to loss of players and has a convoluted lore, and Aurora station has horrible admins which have proven their morals to be questionable as proven here.
    Oct 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    New Recipes

    Empty Container - 10 alloy mesh, 2 glass - Basic Factory
    Oct 19, 2013
    Reaction score

    Fixed a bug where players role were not saved between log on and log off (does not include server round restarts)
    Fixed a bug where drink was being used instead of food every 100 ticks

    Increased the total food/drink capacity to 2000, increased the food/drink consumption amount to 200
    Changed food recipe to use only 2 Shroom Growths
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    Oct 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    The mod is disabled temporarily while I update for the latest version
    Oct 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    Updated mod to support latest version

    Other changes:

    Limits are now 800
    Oxygen is now required and craftable with Water and Empty Container
    Food/Drink/Oxygen will fill 800 each time you consume
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